Exemple du rapport CF - Paiement des factures dues

List Of Vendor #'s/Invoice  #'s:
101                 Bill's  Tool Co.
1                     1-01              1-03             123
123456                123456            1234567          177
55555                 6                 6-01             666666
7                     7777777           77777777         Misc  Credit
Misc Credit

08/26/17 Wed 08:39 Co: 4 H &  H Distributing apep Oper: sys Page: 2

Accounts Payable Pay Invoices Due

Discount Date: 08/26/17  Pay Through: 08/26/17 Posting Date: 08/26/17

Rebate Due RMA Balance  A/R Balance
Balance        Rebate  Due     FMA  Balance

*Vendor:101 Bill's Tool  Company Type: b Bank: 1    1252.20-           876.50         29761.30 
Invoice #   Seq    #Inv  Dt    Disc  Dt    Due  Dt    Type     Gross  Discount    Current     Future     AR Disputed
123456      002   08/25/17    08/25/17   08/25/17     t  HOLD        10.00         10.00
123456      003   08/25/17    09/24/17   09/24/17     t  HOLD        10.00         10.00
1234567     001   08/25/17    08/26/17   08/25/17     t  HOLD        10.00         10.00
1           002   08/04/16    PD Rebate Misc Credit                  5.00-         5.00-
1-01        001   08/07/16    PD Rebate Misc Credit                204.00-                   204.00-
1-03        001   08/04/16    PD Rebate Misc Credit                  8.00-         8.00-
123         001   08/06/16    PD Rebate Misc Credit                 90.00-                    90.00-
177         001   04/29/16    spring rebate                         45.00-                    45.00-
55555       001   08/07/16    PD Rebate Misc Credit                 40.00-                    40.00-
6           001   04/16/16                                           6.00-         6.00-
6-01        001   09/02/16                                          12.00-                    12.00-
666666      001   08/07/16    PD Rebate Misc Credit                 75.00-                    75.00-
7           001   04/16/16                                           7.00-         7.00-
7777777     001   08/07/16    PD Rebate Misc Credit                225.00-                   225.00-
77777777    001   09/18/16    PD Rebate Misc Credit                 25.00-                    25.00-
Misc Credit 002   08/14/17    AP Apply Misc Credits              58200.00-                 58200.00-
Misc Credit 001   08/14/17    AP Apply Misc Credits                 50.00-                    50.00-
------------  ---- ------- ---------
Total # for Vendor: 17                                           58962.00-  0.00   4.00    58966.00-      0.00

Accounts Payable Pay  Invoices Due

**Grand Totals** Gross:  58962.00-
Discount:      0.00
Current:      4.00
Future:  58966.00-
Disputed:      0.00
Discount  Taken:     0.00
Discount  Lost:     0.00

#  of Checks: 1

               Journal:  2302
General Ledger Distribution:
Account Number               Account Title               Debit                Credit
00-0-9995-00                 G/L Suspense Credit         0.00                 13.00-
20-1-2020-00                 Accounts Payable           13.00-                 0.00
-----------           ------------
TOTALS                     13.00-                 13.00-
Bank #          Name                        Amount
------ ------------------------------ --------------
1          First National Bank               4.00