Multiple line sourcing in Value Add

When you enter a work order in VA Order Entry, you can select and tie multiple lines to a single warehouse transfer. Multiple line sourcing allows you to create each of the lines on the same warehouse transfer at once, instead of repeating the steps to individually source each line to the same warehouse transfer. To tie multiple lines, in the Line Items view, select the lines and click Sourcing. The Sourcing window is displayed so that you can specify the warehouse transfer number and other information.

When you remove the tie on the Sourcing window after the warehouse transfer has been created the tie is cleared from the Value Add line, but the line remains on the warehouse transfer. You must remove the lines from the warehouse transfer order manually. This message is displayed:
The Order No Longer Tied to PO/WT/WO#; Manually Remove From PO/WT/WO (5976).

You can also source lines from the Section view in VA Order Entry and the Line Items view of VA Shipping Feedback Entry Details. You can select a single IN, EX, or II section and source multiple lines within each section. Each section is treated as a separate WT tie; transfers are not carried from one Sourcing window to another. To add the section to an existing transfer, you can specify an existing warehouse.

If you source multiple lines from another warehouse and one of the products is not available from the Ship From warehouse and is not identified as a nonstock, this error message is displayed:
Product Not Available in Shipping Whse of W/T (5830).
Even when you receive this error, a tied warehouse transfer is created for the other lines on the order that qualify for sourcing.