Configurable assembly-type items

Configurable assembly-type items are built by the system using data from the order in Sales Order Entry. Configurable assembly-type items can use stock, nonstock, or dynamic configuration components. The system uses the information from VA Product Default Setup to calculate the actual order quantity for the item’s fabrication. During Sales Order Entry, the systems uses the length segment specified VA Product Default Setup to identify which segment entry specifies the variable length. The system uses that segment’s value to calculate the quantity needed for the VA components.

Segment Entries

When you enter a primary part number in Sales Order Entry for a Configurable assembly-type item, the system prompts for the segment values. The segment values specify the finished product’s configuration details. The segment entries are the possible segment definitions that can comprise the primary part. Segments are set up in VA Product Default Setup on the Assembly view. When you enter segment values for the primary item in Sales Order Entry, the system validates the assembly. Once all segments are entered, the system calculates the quantity needed for variable components using the length of the segment, plus or minus the component’s cutoff factor, and plus the component’s scrap factor.

Dynamic configuration components

To manage the possible component segments of a Configurable assembly-type item, the setup of Configurable assembly-type items uses placeholders in the product components. Dynamic configuration components are Value Add component lines with one or more bracketed placeholders, [x], where x is a segment number. During order entry, the system fills the bracketed placeholder with the value specified for the associated segment on the Configuration Segment Assembly window. For example, assume that two of the primary item’s components, cover and case, have variable colors and you have set up the third VA segment for color. When you add the component line for each component, you specify cover[3] and case[3]. For example, during order entry, if you specify RED in the third segment, the system inserts RED into the component line for the VA order so that during assembly, the red components are selected for the finished product.

Configurable assembly-type workflow

This section outlines the setup and use of a Configurable assembly-type item.

  • In Product Setup, set up the primary part number product and select Configurable in the VA Assembly Type field. If necessary, set up component items in Product Setup. Configurable assembly-type items may be built with stock or non-stock components. For stock components, the component line items must be non-assembly items, and they may be of variable length. In VA Product Default Setup, set up the primary product defaults.
  • On the Assembly view in VA Product Default Setup, set up the segment assembly for the primary product. You specify the size and character-type for each segment and any validation and rule processing. The setup on the Assembly view determines the format of the Assembly Segment Configuration window in Sales Order Entry and generates the final product number as the assembly segment values separated by dash (-) delimiters.
  • On the Line Items view in VA Product Default Setup, add the component line items. You can add component line items, such as stock items, using the standard VA template; however, in addition, you can add components with variable segments in the product. Configuration-type lines include a bracketed placeholder, [x], where x is a segment number, which makes the segment variable. During Sales Order Entry, the system fills the product’s bracketed placeholder ‘x’ with the segment value entered on the Assembly Segment Configuration window for the segment number ‘x’ references.
  • When you add component labor products on the VA Product Default Setup-Sections, you can also specify variables for calculating labor. The system can calculate the labor charged for each finished assembly using the variable length quantity calculated for the order, per unit produced or as a single charge against the work order, and cap the number of finished products for which labor is charged.


Suppose you have a primary item (CI) with four components--a left fitting (LF), a right fitting (RF), a connector (C), and a connector cover (CC)--and each component has multiple possible variations in assembly: the connector and connector cover are variable length components; the fittings and connector have different possible materials, such as steel (S) or plastic (P); and the connector cover may be flexible (F) or rigid (R). To set up this Configurable assembly-type item:

  1. Create product CI in Product Setup, setting the VA Assembly Type to Configurable.
  2. Create products LFS, LFP, RFS, RFP, CS, CP, CCF, and CCR in Product Setup, if they do not already exist. In this example, set all of the items to Not Assembly. Assign a VA Cutoff Length and VA Cutoff Unit to the connector and connector cover component items.
  3. In VA Setup Product Default, add the product setup for the primary item (CI).
  4. Add the segment assembly and specify 5 in the Length Segment field.
    Segment # Size Type Validation
    1 3 Character LFS, LFP
    2 3 Character CS, CP
    3 2 Character CCF, CCR
    4 3 Character RFS, RFP
    5 3 Integer 50, 100, 150
  5. Add the VA line for each component:
    • Select Configuration in the Line Type field
    • Create the four dynamic configuration component products:
    • Fit[1]
    • Con[2]
    • Cov[3]
    • Fit[4]
    • Select the Variable Length Component check box for Con[2] and Cov[3] and specify the scrap factor and other component defaults.

When you create an order for the primary product, the segment entries replace the segment number in brackets and generate the dynamic finished product number, for example: FitLFS-ConCS-CovCF-FitRFS. The system uses the value in segment 5, the length segment, in the calculation for the actual order quantity.