Productivity reports

This table shows the report name and description:

Report Description
Department Activity Shows the type of transactions completed by each department. Use this report to determine if departments are completing activities outside of their functional duties, and to analyze tasks that are completed.

Shows department, employee, transaction type, date and time range, product, from/to bin, suggested quantity, actual quantity, unit of measure, and adjustment code for each employee in each department within the period.

Department Activity Summary Similar to the Department Activity report, but lists the total quantity of each type of transaction for each employee in each department in the date and time range.
Employee Activity Shows the type of activity that each employee performs and when the activity is performed. Use this report to determine if employees are completing tasks outside of their assigned duties and to measure productivity. Includes the employee name/number, transaction, location, lot, product, date and time range, suggested quantity, actual quantity, and transaction count.
Employee Activity Summary Similar to the Employee Activity report, but shows the total quantity of each type of transaction for each employee in the date and time range. Includes the employee name, transaction type, type count, employee count, and record count.
Shift Activity Summary Use this report to determine how many transactions are performed by a shift in a warehouse by date range. Use this report to check productivity and ensure the workloads are balanced. This report accesses the transactions table data cross-referenced by company number, warehouse number, shift number, transaction type, and the date and time range.
Warehouse Activity Summary Use this report to determine the number of each type of transaction for the warehouse in the date and time range. Includes the warehouse description, transaction type, and total record count.