Shipping multiple carriers from the same dock

You can use this method of shipping to ship cartons for multiple carriers without switching dock IDs. You can also use these instructions to verify a shipping pallet, rather than verifying each carton on the pallet.

  1. From the RF Main Menu, select Shipping.
  2. Select Ship To Dock.
  3. Scan the pallet or carton being shipped. This table shows additional navigation:
    Press To
    Ctrl+L View a carton inquiry screen
    F2 Drill down to the contents of the carton
    F4 Return to the previous screen
  4. Specify the weight and freight.
  5. Scan or specify the dock ID that is assigned to the carrier that ships the carton or pallet. If you scan a dock that was not previously assigned to the carrier on the order, a question is displayed: Open Dock 1 for carrier <carrier name>?
  6. Specify Yes to assign the carrier to the dock.
  7. Scan the trailer ID, if required.
  8. Specify the route ID, or press Enter through this field.
  9. For manifests, select one:
    • If you do not print manifests while verifying shipments, press Enter.
    • To close and print the manifest, specify Yes. A message notifies you that the manifest is done printing. Click OK.

    If parameter 4003, Close and Print Manifest, is set to Yes, you have access to the Close and Print Manifest option.

  10. Press Enter to clear the screen.
  11. Repeat steps as needed to continue shipping containers, or press F4 to return to the Shipping Main Menu.