Transferring containers

You can use this procedure to combine the contents of a tote, carton, or pallet. When multiple containers exist for a customer, consolidation minimizes the number of containers being shipped to the same location. Parameter 1060, Carton Validation, verifies a carton transfer based on the level of validation chosen. Parameter 1054, Tote Validation, validates tote-to-tote transfers.

  1. From the RF Main Menu, select Packing.
  2. Select Transfer Options.
    Specify one of these options:
    If Then
    You are transferring the contents of a tote or carton Select the type of transfer to make.
    You are transferring the contents of one tote or carton to another tote or carton Select the Tote to Tote or Carton to Carton option. The Tote to Tote Transfer - Packing or Carton to Carton Transfer - Packing window displays. Scan the source tote or carton, specify the quantity transferred, and scan the destination tote or carton.
  3. If you are transferring a carton to a different pallet, then select the Pallet Transfer option. The Pallet Transfer - Packing window is displayed. Scan the carton being moved. The carton information is displayed.
  4. Scan the destination pallet ID. Destination pallets do not have restrictions. You can put the carton on an existing pallet, on the pallet the carton was originally assigned to, or create a new pallet ID.
  5. If the destination pallet ID is not on file, then a question is displayed: This pallet is not on file. Want to create one?

    Specify one of these options:

    Option Description
    Yes Creates a new pallet
    No Clears the screen and you can select another destination pallet
  6. Repeat the steps to complete your transfer.
  7. When you are finished, press the back button in the RF browser to return to the RF Main Menu.