ABC rotation

In TWL Execution-Cycle Count-Setup, set the Count Type to ABC Rotation to configure cycle counts. The EOD process creates tasks based on the class and last date counted to assign counting tasks based on settings in TWL Configuration-ABC Classification.

The ABC Classification function provides inventory classification that divides inventory into four classes. These classes are based on item or bin-hit velocity per company and warehouse combination. Each time an item is picked or a location is visited, this registers as a hit. The number of hits are used to rank and assign the classification level.

Use the ABC Classification function to test what-if scenarios. This is to determine what affect the new classification has on inventory before you update to save the values. In the TWL Configuration-ABC Classification toolbar, use Calculate Pending ABC to make changes to the ABC Classification. You can also view the effect of those changes before applying the changes. If you are satisfied with the effect of the changes, then select Apply Pending ABC to apply the changes. Updates to the product or location class on the respective master record are performed.

If no inventory exists, then an empty count record is created as an audit trail to verify that there is no inventory in the location.