Note indicators

If a note is attached to an entity, an indicator is displayed below the entity field or in the associated Notes column in a grid. The notes indicator for a required note is red. The notes indicator for a note that is not required is blue. Only simple notes that are flagged as required generate a notes indicator.

Only simple notes that are flagged as required generate a notes indicator.

Note:  Notes for a product might originate from the Product Setup or Product Catalog Setup record. If a Product Setup record exists, notes attached to the product record are displayed. If a Product Setup record does not exist, but a Product Catalog Setup record is located, the notes that are attached to the catalog record are displayed.

If a note for an entity is required, the Notes window might open automatically when you perform these actions:

  • Specify the entity in a function.
  • Access a record that contains the entity.

This feature is controlled by business rules that are maintained by the system administrator.