Data validation for column updates and single record updates

If you perform a column update or a single record update, these validations are performed:

  1. Data types
    Validations are performed on these data types:
    • Integers: The field cannot be blank. The data must be numeric, but it cannot contain a decimal point and decimal digits.
    • Decimals: The field cannot be blank. The data must be numeric, and it can contain a decimal and decimal digits.
    • Character, or string: This field can be blank. If a value is specified, the length of the data is checked. If it exceeds the length that is established by the database schema and format, the warning is included on the SA Mass Maintenance Utility Report. This type of warning is not a validation error. It does not stop the import process.
    • Logical, or boolean: The field cannot be blank. The data must be one of these values: yes, no, true, or false.
    • Date: The field can be blank. If a value is specified, the data must be a valid Progress date, such as mm/dd/yy.
  2. Common entities
    Validations are performed on common entities. This table shows the records that are used to validated common entities and the data type.
    Field name Data Type Record
    arpvendno on the ICSW table Decimal APSV, if the value is not 0.
    creditmgr Character SASOO
    nontaxtype Character

    SASTA for Code ID = N

    This value is maintained in SA Table Code Value Setup.

    pricetype Character

    SASTA for Code ID = J for ARSC and APSC, or Code ID = K for ICSW and ICSC

    This value is maintained in SA Table Code Value Setup.

    prodcat Character

    SASTA for Code ID = C

    This value is maintained in SA Table Code Value Setup.

    shipviaty Character

    SASTA for Code ID = S

    This value is maintained in SA Table Code Value Setup.

    slsrepin Character


    This value is maintained in Sales Rep Setup.

    slsrepout Character


    This value is maintained in Sales Rep Setup.

    speccostty Character

    Value must be blank, Y, T, or H.

    This value in maintained in Product Setup.

    termstype Character

    SASTA for Code ID = T

    This value is maintained in SA Table Code Value Setup.

    vendno for ICSC table Decimal APSV, if the value is not 0.
    whse, not in the ICSD table Character ICSD