Viewing records due to expire

Instances of personal data that have had actions performed on them are displayed in the Expiration view. In the Expiration view, the instances in the grid do not show the entity name or value because the entity is restricted. Typically, only the various instances from one entity are displayed.

In lieu of the name, clues to the entity are the primary and secondary keys, company number, type of record, name of the restricted field, and expiration date. For example, if the record is a carrier, the primary key might be UPS, and the secondary key would be the warehouse. If the record is a federal tax setup for a vendor, the primary key is the tax year.

  1. Select System Administrator > Administration > GDPR Compliance.
  2. Click Expiration.
  3. Select one of these values from the Expires field:
    • Today
    • This Week
    • This Month
    • All Dates
    The grid shows instances the dates that are associated with this value and any previous dates.
  4. Select Disable or Forget in the Action field.
  5. Retain the default All, or select one or more sources, in the Data Source field.
  6. Click Search.
  7. In the grid, select the confirmed instances of personal data and click Enable.