Purchase Order Entry - Purchase Order Settings field descriptions

Fields are listed in alphabetical order.

Accounts Payable Hold

Select this option to require a review of AP invoices that are processed through EDI or matched to a PO in Vendor Invoice Center Entry.

The default status of this option is based on the Hold AP Invoice option in Vendor Setup-Ordering. AP invoices that meet these criteria are suspended:

  • Referenced a purchase order that is on AP hold
  • Processed through EDI

A suspended invoice cannot be updated in Vendor Invoice Center Entry until an operator clears the suspended status.

Acknowledge Date

If you receive PO acknowledgments in EDI Electronic Transaction Control Center Entry, the date when the most recent acknowledgment was received is displayed in this field.

Acknowledge Reason

If you receive PO acknowledgments in EDI Electronic Transaction Control Center Entry, the most recent PO Acknowledgment reason that was received is displayed in this field.

Acknowledge Type

This read-only field is updated when a purchase order is moved from the printed stage to the acknowledged stage.

Purchase orders can be acknowledged manually in Purchase Manual Acknowledgement Entry or automatically by running the EDI Entry Processing PO Acknowledgement Report. The acknowledgment status each order is displayed in Purchase Manual Acknowledgement Entry.

Manual, EDI, or Reset is displayed in the field. Reset indicates that an acknowledged purchase order was reset to the print stage in Purchase Manual Acknowledgement Entry.

Acknowledge User

This read-only field is updated when a purchase order is moved from the printed stage to the acknowledged stage, or reset to the printed stage. It indicates the operator who manually acknowledged or reset the purchase order in Purchase Manual Acknowledgement Entry or ran the EDI Entry Processing PO Acknowledgement Report.

Allow Back Orders

Select this option to indicate that you accept back orders if the vendor does not have enough quantity on hand to fulfill your order. The default status of this option is determined by the Allow Back Orders option on Vendor Setup and Vendor Ship From Setup records.

If this option is selected, the vendor automatically creates back orders when the quantity that you ordered cannot be completely fulfilled. You can add line items to the back-ordered DO. This is convenient if the vendor requires a minimum order amount.

The back order option on a purchase order DO determines whether back orders are created for a purchase order DO that is not completely received. Even if the customer accepts back orders, back orders are not created if the vendor does not accept back orders. Because the vendor does not accept back orders, the sales order back order would never be filled.

Allow Substitutes

Select this option if you accept substitute and upgraded products from the vendor. If the vendor cannot provide the ordered products, the vendor can substitute a different product. Generally, the substituted product is interchangeable with the ordered product or an upgraded version of the ordered product.


If the order is approved, y is displayed. If the order is on hold, the hold value set up in SA Administrator Options-Documents-Purchase Orders-Entry Defaults is displayed.

A purchase order is put on hold if you use value approval checking and the order exceeds the limits set up in SA Operator Setup. An operator can access this field only if Yes is selected for Allow Override of Order Approval Status in SA Operator Setup.
Note: This functionality is part of an approval process that helps to meet some of the requirements of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act.
Auto Reprice Percent

Specify the percentage by which to recalculate the line items on the purchase order. You can specify a positive or negative value, up to 99.99 percent. The default value is the auto reprice percentage from the vendor's setup record, but you can override it.

To recalculate the line item prices, click the Auto Vendor Reprice button. The Auto Vendor Repriced option is then selected to indicate that the order has been repriced.

Auto Vendor Repriced

This option is automatically selected after the line items on the purchase order were repriced, based on the value in the Auto Reprice Percent field. If the purchase order is repriced, you cannot clear this option to revert to the original pricing.


Select this option to indicate that the vendor should confirm your order by sending an order acknowledgment or by another method.

Contract #
If you use Special Pricing Agreements (SPAs), this value is the contract number given to you by the vendor. You specified this number in the New Contract field in Sales Order Entry-One Time Cost Contract or Sales Order Entry-One Time Rebate Contract.

The value from one of these records:

  • If the purchase order is a return merchandise order, the country is from the Vendor Ship From Setup or Vendor Setup record.

    the value is from the ship from or vendor record represents that entity's country of origin.

  • For all other types of purchase orders, the value is from the SA Company Setup record.
Created By

This read-only field indicates who created the order.


The method by which the vendor handles the order. The default disposition is from Vendor Setup. You can override the default value. You can leave the field blank or select one of these methods:

  • Ship Complete

    The vendor stages items, including back-ordered items, and holds them until the entire order is ready to ship.

  • Tag and Hold

    The vendor tags the order with your name, address, and purchase order information. The vendor then holds the order until you notify them to deliver it or make other arrangements.

  • Will Call

    The vendor holds the order until you pick it up. A deadline for pickup is usually placed on the order, after which the order is canceled and the products are returned to the vendor’s inventory.

Due Date

The date that you expect to receive the purchase order from the vendor.

Expected Ship Date

The date that you expect the order to be shipped to your warehouse.

Extended Shipping Instructions

Specify additional shipping instructions for packing and shipping clerks.

You can set up default extended shipping instructions in Customer Setup-Ordering and Customer Ship To Setup-Ordering. If you create a direct purchase order in Sales Order Entry, the extended shipping instructions are included on the purchase order. You can override the default instructions.

Note: The Extended Shipping Instructions field is independent of the Instructions field.
FOB Destination

If this option is selected, freight is considered prepaid for vendors that processed through EDI 810in documents, even if an invoice is entered manually in Vendor Invoice Center Entry. This option causes the invoice to be suspended and prevents automatic payment of any unexpected freight charges. An indicator on PO Addon table records in SA Table Code Value Setup determines whether an addon is considered freight.

FOB Destination may be selected by default based on the Freight Terms on the purchase order.

Freight Billing Account

Accept the default setting or specify an account number for the freight carrier identified in the Ship Via field. The default value is based on other fields on the purchase order. If the freight terms on a purchase order indicate that you should be billed for freight, the field is updated, based these values:

  • Your company or warehouse
  • The carrier identified in the Ship Via code

This field is optional. To add this field to the UI, use the Personalization feature. If default values update the Freight Terms and Freight Billing Account fields, the data is included on the purchase order even if it is not visible in Purchase Order Entry.

Freight Terms

Accept the default setting or specify the freight terms that indicate how to bill the freight. The default setting is set up in Vendor Setup or Vendor Ship From Setup. If automatic freight allocation is enabled, this is a required field.

Freight terms are set up in SA Table Code Value Setup.

To add this field to the UI, use the Personalization feature. If default values update the Freight Terms and Freight Billing Account fields, the data is included on the purchase order even if it is not visible in Purchase Order Entry.

Ignore Lead Time

Select this option to prevent recalculation of the lead times for line items after they are received in PO Receipt of Inventory Entry. Generally, this option is not selected so lead times are recalculated.

This option is selected for each back order that is created in PO Receipt of Inventory Entry. After the back-ordered products are received, the lead time is not accurate. By ignoring the lead time, it is not included in the lead time calculations that are stored on Product Warehouse Product Setup records.

You can manually select this option if you receive the order through an unusual method or from an unusual sources. If the lead time is unusually short or long, you might not want to recalculate the lead time.


Specify shipping instructions for the order, up to 30 characters.

Shipping instructions print on all purchase orders. If the direct order (DO) was created from Sales Order Entry, the instructions from the sales order are displayed on the purchase order. Otherwise, the default value for this field is from the Product Warehouse Description Setup record for the ship to warehouse.

Order Date

The date that the order is sent to the vendor. This date is used by the Purchase Entry Processing Print POs Report to determine the date when the purchase order is printed.

The order date on a Blanket Release purchase order is the conversion date.


Specify a standard reference that was set up in the Reference table in SA Table Code Value Setup. If a reference was specified for a direct order that is tied to this order, that reference is displayed.

Requested Ship Date

The date that you are requesting the order to be shipped

Resale #
If you purchase products for resale to your customers, provide this number for the vendor. If you purchase products for internal use, you can leave this field blank. Resale items are treated as nonstock items on the purchase order.

This value is from the bill-to warehouse’s Product Warehouse Description Setup record.

Resale Purchase Order

Select this option to indicate that the products that are purchased from this vendor are used for resale. The vendor does not tax the order. If the option is not selected, the products are for internal use and taxes are levied. The default status of this option is from Vendor Setup.

If No is selected for Allow PO Entry of Non-Resale Items in SA Operator Setup, non-resale line items cannot be entered.


Select this option to indicate that the order is a rush order. This is field is available for all order types. It is automatically set through PO RRAR Merge, automatic purchase order creation, or through a tied line in Sales Order Entry.

If a tied rush line on the sales order is deleted, the Rush option is not cleared on the purchase order. If a back order is created, the Rush option on the back order is the same as the original order.

Ship Via

The shipping method for the order. The default value for this field is from Vendor Setup or Vendor Ship From Setup.

Ship Via (APSD Limited)

The shipping method for the order. The default value for this field is from Vendor Setup or Vendor Ship From Setup. The ship via methods that are available are based on methods that are set up in Vendor Default Setup.


The discount that your vendor gives you when you pay for the order in a certain number of days. The total terms amount prints on the purchase order. The total terms amount is based on the net total of all lines and does not include addons.

The default value for this field is from Vendor Setup.

Transfer Location

This 24-character free-form field is paired with Freight Terms to assign Incoterms. If you specify an Incoterm in Freight Terms, we recommend that you define the Transfer Location. It can be the named destination, port of discharge, port of destination, or port of shipment. Specify an appropriate location that is based on your Incoterms recommended workflow.

This field is optional. To add this field to the UI, use the Personalization feature.

Supplier's Order Number

Use this field to store and display a number provided by the supplier, such as an order acknowledgment or a return merchandise authorization.

This field is optional. To add this field to the UI, use the Personalization feature.

Vendor Return Authorization #

On Return Merchandise (RM) orders, you can specify the return authorization number for the vendor.

If the PO RM is tied to an Return Merchandise Sales Order (OE RM) and the return reason on the OE RM is vendor, the Vendor Return Authorization # from the OE RM header is copied to the PO RM header. You can override the value.

If the Vendor Return Authorization # on either document is changed, the values are not synchronized.