Customer Ship To Setup - General field descriptions

The field descriptions are presented in alphabetical order within each section.



This option is automatically selected when new customers, ship tos, vendors, and banks are created. If an entity is no longer active, clear this option. If inactive, an entity cannot be entered in any transaction entry functions or updated through update reports.

Entities can be inactive temporarily or permanently. If inactive permanently, ensure the entity is properly balanced properly and no outstanding balances exist. Inactive customers or vendors are not updated by these functions: Customer Transaction Entry, Customer Cash Receipts Entry, Vendor Transaction Entry, Vendor Invoice Center Entry, and the Vendor Entry Pay Invoices Due Report.


Three address lines are provided, but all are not required. If you require only one line, specify the address on the first line. This address is included on statements, invoices, acknowledgments, quotes, pick tickets, and bills of lading.

Note: The default length of Address 1, 2, and 3 is 30 characters. If you require larger address fields you can increase the size to 60 characters. Select the Allow Expanded Name/Address Length option in SA Administrator Options-System-Options.

When you select this option, the actual displayed length of the field is not changed. If a name or address is specified that is greater than 30 characters, the field is enable for scrolling so you can view the entire value.

Address Override

The Address Override setting is part of the Address Validation feature that ensures the address is valid for taxing. The Address Override setting is selected from the Address Validation pop-up. The pop-up window is automatically displayed from the tax-related address sections of this function if there are errors or differences. The Address Validation pop-up shows the current address side-by-side with the suggested address. From the pop-up window, you can update the address. You can also select the Address Override option. This option to accommodate a General Delivery address, which overrides the default behavior of the AvaTax or Vertex Cloud's calculation. AvaTax or Vertex Cloud, instead, make the tax calculation from the General Delivery address and avoids an error.This is beneficial when the address is not in the United States Postal Service (USPS) database yet, such as with new construction.

Alternate ID

This read-only value is a cross-reference value for the ship to records in an external application and Distribution SX.e. When a ship to record is created or updated in an external system, the data in the inbound Process ShipToPartyMaster BOD creates or updates the ship to record in Distribution SX.e.

When a ship to record is maintained in Distribution SX.e, the outbound Sync ShipToPartyMaster BOD includes the Alternate ID to ensure that the correct record is updated in the external system.

You can use the Alternate ID to search for ship to records. The Alternate ID is included in the Customer Ship To Master List Report.

City/State/Zip Code

The city, state, and postal code. The postal code can accommodate ten-digit numbers. You can cross reference the postal code to the tax table that is defined in SA Tax Table Setup. As you type the postal code, the code is automatically be cross referenced to SA Tax Table Setup. If a record exists for that postal code, the taxing state and locality information are added to the new customer ship to record.


Select the ship to record's country of origin. These countries are established in SA Table Code Value Setup.

Do Not Copy From Customer When Maintained
Select this option to prevent updating this Customer Ship To Setup record when the master Customer Setup record is maintained. The Copy To ShipTo When Customer Maintained option in SA Administrator Options-Customers-Defaults controls which fields are updated in Customer Ship To Setup when the same values are maintained in Customer Setup. When you select Do Not Copy From Customer When Maintained, any changes to the selected fields in SA Administrator Options-Customers-Defaults are not copied the Customer Ship To Setup record.
If the Do Not Copy From Customer When Maintained option is not selected, all selected fields in SA Administrator Options-Customers-Defaults are copied to Customer Ship To Setup when the master Customer Setup record is maintained.
If a field is Customer Ship To Setup is manually changed, and it is one of the selected fields in SA Administrator Options-Customers-Defaults, it is still overwritten with the Customer Setup value for that field whenever any selected field in Customer Setup is updated.

Specify the email address for this customer ship to. This field can be used when email is an output option for reports that generate documents such as the Sales Entry Invoice Processing Report.

You cannot delete the email address and leave the field blank if the ship to is set up to receive any document through email on the eCommerce view.

Geo Code

This field is used to further define a taxing jurisdiction. You may be located in Colorado, El Paso County, Colorado Springs, but there may be a further break down of your location for taxing purposes, for example, by postal code.

The fields displayed can vary depending on the Tax Method and Tax Interface selected in SA Company Setup-Taxes. The Geo Code field and Out of City option are only displayed with the Sovos GTD tax interface.

When you use Vertex Cloud, this Geo Code field is used to specify Tax Area IDs, which is the term Vertex uses for this type of information. This ID associates the address with a tax jurisdiction. If you select the lookup button on the field, the entered address information is passed to the Vertex Address Lookup call. The Tax Area ID returned is then loaded in this field.


The full name of the ship to or job for this record. The ship to name is displayed on all reports and statements where a ship to range is specified.

Note: The default length of the Name field is 30 characters. If you require a larger Name field you can increase the size to 60 characters. Select the Allow Expanded Name/Address Length option in SA Administrator Options-System-Options.

When you select this option, the actual displayed length of the field is not changed. If a name or address is specified that is greater than 30 characters, the field is enable for scrolling so you can view the entire value.

Out of City

Select this option if the address is outside of the city limits and may be subject to taxes applied by additional taxing districts.

The fields that are displayed depend on the Tax Method and Tax Interface selected in SA Company Setup-Taxes. Geo Code and Out of City are only displayed with the Sovos GTD tax interface.

Restricted Editing
Select the Restricted Editing option if the customer ship to should not be edited by users unless they have security to edit restricted customer ship tos. This is enabled by setting the Allow Editing of ‘Restricted Editing’ AR Records option to Yes in SA Operator Setup-Other Options.
Users with the Allow Editing of ‘Restricted Editing’ AR Records option set to No are not allowed to edit the Customer Ship To Setup record regardless of their allowed division in SA Operator Setup.


Agent Phone #

Specify the ship to purchasing agent's telephone number, if the number differs from the phone number specified in the Phone # field.

Fax #

Specify the ship to's fax number. Do not include formatting characters, such as parentheses and dashes, if used with automatic fax machines. If the number is long distance, specify a 1 before the phone number. A 1 is not automatically placed in front of a 10-digit fax number. If the fax number is a local number, you can also specify an L in front of the number to indicate the number is a local number.

Phone #

Specify the ship to or job telephone number. The last four characters are designated for an extension. Do not include parentheses or hyphens. The phone number format that is set up at the company level in SA Administrator Options-System-Options is used. The default for the setting enables United States and Canadian companies to use the existing default format.

Purchase Agent

Specify the ship to's purchasing agent. Typically, this is the person who deals with the company sales representative and places all purchase orders.


Cycle Code

This user-defined field refers to the billing cycle used to process customer ship to statements. Ship tos can be grouped into various billing cycles that determine at what point during the month statements are sent.

Note: If the customer or ship tos have billing cycle codes set up, then use caution to specify the appropriate Cycle Code range or Ship To Cycle Code range when you run the Customer Entry Statement Print Report. You should not specify both ranges when running this report. If some ship tos have different cycle codes than the customer, you could have missing data when you select Both in the Print by (C)ustomer, (S)hip To or (B)oth? option and enter a customer Cycle Code range.
Invoice To

If this ship to has a floor planning agreement, invoices for this ship to are sent to a third-party finance company. Specify the finance company number. The finance company's Customer Setup record must already be set up.

Service Charge

Select this option to apply service charges to the customer when the Customer Entry Roll Balances Report is run. Service charges can also be applied during Customer Transaction Entry, regardless of this option. The service charge amount is tabulated on a yearly basis and stored in Customer Maintain Balances Entry. It is stored separately from the total balance and sales YTD figures.

If this field is selected, and the service charge flag in this customer's Customer Setup-Required record is not selected, this option is overridden. If this option is not selected, and the Customer Setup-Required record is selected, this option is not overridden. If you select to service charge ship to or job numbers in addition to the customer record, and you post transactions to both records on a regular basis, total service charges assessed may be different than if you were only service charging the customer record.

Statement Type

Statement field options are to produce an open item statement or none at all. Specify Open to make the ship to available to ship statements. Specify None to never print statements, unless the Demand Statements? option in Customer Entry Statement Print Report is set to Yes.


Specify the terms code that applies to this customer or ship to or job. The terms default on each order that is entered for this customer, but you can override. Terms refers to the amount of discount available if the invoice is paid within a specific number of days; otherwise the discount is lost. Terms are also used during Customer Transaction Entry .

Terms are set up in SA Table Code Value Setup.

If a customer ship to is only allowed to place Cash on Delivery (COD) orders, the terms that you specify here should be COD. You must also specify COD Only in the Sales Order Status field in Customer Setup-Credit. If you do not, a message is displayed: Warning: Terms are COD but Sell Type is Not ‘COD’-COD (8032). You also receive an error in Sales Order Entry.


If bank account code is not set up in CR Bank Setup, then the bank account that is specified in this field is used to accumulate the total amount of cash received from this customer ship to through Customer Cash Receipts Entry and Sales Order Entry tendering and received on account.
Class Rating

Specify a numeric value that assigns a class rating, if applicable. This value is not the same value as the Class field in Customer Setup. This value is used by CRM applications as a class rating designation only.

This value defaults from the Division value in Customer Setup-General-Settings. If you use full divisionalized accounting, this field is required for each Customer ShipTo. Full divisionalized accounting is enforced if the Divisional option is selected in SA Company Setup. This field is not required if you are not using full divisionalized accounting.
If you create a new Customer Ship To Setup record for an existing customer record, the new record, by default, contains the Division and Bank values from the parent Customer Setup record. If you copy a Customer Ship To Setup record from an existing customer or customer ship to record, the new record, by default, contains the Division and Bank values from the source Customer Setup or Customer Ship To Setup record.
Optionally, you can modify these Division and Bank values in the Customer Ship To Setup record if those values are different than the defaulted values. Those modified values, then, take precedence and are used for sales orders. The exception is if you have activated the Sales Warehouse feature. The sales warehouse division overrides the customer or warehouse division that is selected in the Division # Default From field in SA Administrator Options-Documents-Sales Orders-Entry Settings.
Industry Type

Specify an industry type, if applicable. This must be a valid value set up in SA Table Code Value Setup. This is used by CRM applications for industry classification only.


If you specify another language in this field, descriptions in that language are printed on customer invoices and acknowledgments. Blank defines domestic terms. All other codes are set up in SA Table Code Value Setup.


NAICS is the abbreviation for the North American Industry Classification System code. NAICS is similar to the former standard industry classification (SIC) codes, which indicate both company function and line of business. NAICS is more current than the SIC codes. NAICS is used by the United States, Mexico, and Canada.

Pick Label Prefix

The pick label prefix is part of the label file that is used to print the barcode for a customer ship to product number on a pick label using Integrated Barcode. The prefix can be used to identify the label. It does not have to meet specific criteria. If the label file is used for only one customer ship to, you can specify the customer ship to's name for the prefix. If the label file can be used by several customer ship tos, you can specify that group of customers for the prefix. For example, if you had several customer ship tos in a geographical region that used the same label file, you could specify the company number (cono) and the region (southwest) as the prefix–conosw.

The label file is pick label size + pick label prefix + label file name for the printer. If a pick label size is large, the prefix is conosw, and the printer label file name is pickzeb.lbl, the name of the label file is largeconoswpickzeb.lbl.

Pick Label Size

Select Small Labels or Large Labels to indicate what size pick labels the customer ship to requires.

This setting is part of the label file used to print the barcode for a customer product number on a pick label using Integrated Barcode. The label file is pick label size + pick label prefix + label file name for the printer. If a pick label size is large, the prefix is conosw, and the printer label file name is pickzeb.lbl, the name of the label file is largeconoswpickzeb.lbl.

Ship Label

This field is displayed if you use Integrated Barcode. If you have a custom shipping label for this customer, specify the name of the label design that you want to print when you ship packages to this customer. You can also identify a custom ship label on the customer’s Customer Ship To Setup record if the customer requires specific information on packages sent to different locations.

If the Print Shipping Labels During Sales Shipping Feedback Entry option is selected in SA Administrator Options-Logistics-IBC Options, you can print shipping labels in Sales Shipping Feedback Entry as you ship orders. You can also print shipping labels on demand using the IB Shipping Labels Report.

If this field is blank, then the default label format that is specified in SA Printer Setup-Settings is used to print the shipping label.

Ship To Group

If you set up groups in Customer Ship To Group Setup, you can specify a group to assign this ship to. Ship To groups associate a set of ship to addresses for customer product forecasting. Forecasting by ship to group enables you to specify and track forecast performance for a subset of a customer locations.

Strategic Account

Specify a strategic account code, if applicable. This is only used if you integrate to a CRM application that uses this value.



Select whether you want the consolidated invoice in product or order number order. If you select Product, lines are consolidated if the product, price and discount, special price costing, and unit of measurement are the same. Line comments, lots, serials, kit components, or tallies do not print. If you select Order, each individual order prints including the addons and taxes. A line prints identifying the order number when shipped, shipment date, and customer ship to number. Line comments, lots, serial numbers, kit components, and tallies print after the line. Both formats include summary totals for all consolidated orders and order notes.

Note:  EDI exports are in product order regardless of the format that is specified in this field.

Select how often you want invoices consolidated. The options are daily, a specific day of the week, semi-monthly, monthly, or a day of the month from 1-31. Thirty-one is treated as the last day of the month and is the same as selecting monthly.

When consolidating invoices for foreign customers, the interval should be closely spaced; for example, daily or at least weekly. This, especially, if exchange rates are volatile.

The current currency exchange rate in SA Currency Setup is used when posting a consolidated invoice for a foreign customer to Customer Transaction Entry and the General Ledger AR sales account. Any rounding differences or differences that occur in the exchange rate between the original invoice and the new consolidated invoice transaction are posted to the Loss/Gain account that is specified in SA Currency Setup. To avoid significant changes in an invoice’s currency rate, set the consolidation interval to Daily or no more than Weekly.

Invoice Type

Specify the type of invoice consolidation for this customer or ship to. The default is None, no consolidation. If you choose to consolidate, the other fields in this section apply and are enterable. If you select Ship To, the consolidation fields in Customer Ship To Setup for this customer are required.

This table shows how the consolidation type fields for customer and customer ship to work together:

Customer Invoice Type value Ship To Invoice Type value Results
None Is ignored Do not consolidate customer or ship to.
Customer Is ignored Consolidate order transactions for customer
Customer PO Is ignored Consolidate order transactions for that customer into separate invoices for each PO and one for all invoices with no PO.
Order Is ignored Consolidate order transactions for that sequence of orders into a single separate invoice.
Ship To None Do not consolidate ship to. Customer specific orders, without a ship to, are consolidated.
Ship To Ship To Consolidate order transactions for this ship to into a single invoice.
Ship To Customer PO Consolidate order transactions for the ship to into separate invoices for each PO and one invoice for all orders with no PO.
Ship To Order Consolidate order transactions for that sequence of orders into separate invoices.
Last Consolidation Date

This field is enterable when you first set up a customer for consolidated billing and is used to determine the first consolidation date. For example, if you specify 03/05/15 and select Monthly, 04/05/15 is displayed in the Next Consolidation Date field, and that is the date of the consolidated invoice. The date must be the current date or a prior date.

Next Consolidation Date

This field shows the system-generated next scheduled consolidated invoice date. This date is calculated each time a consolidation routine is run for a customer or ship to.


Select the terms for the consolidated invoice. Terms refers to the amount of discount available if the invoice is paid within a specific number of days, otherwise the discount is lost. Terms are set up in SA Table Code Value Setup.

Note:  If you select Cash Only or COD in the Terms field, review your setting for the Counter Sale Not Paid In Full authorization point. When you tender payment for Counter Sale orders for this ship to, the operator can accept partial payment unless this authorization point is set to Not Authorized in SA Authorization Point Setup.