Sales Exceptions Report overview

Sales > Reports > OE Reports > OERE

Function acronym: OERE

Use this report to alert you to order exceptions that have occurred. Run this report on a regular basis because some of the exceptions may require manual correction before the order is picked or invoice processed.

All exceptions are printed within the ranges and options you choose, according to the following rules:

  • If the Quantity Shipped on a line item is greater than zero, and an exception exists, that line item is printed with the header information.
  • If the Quantity Shipped on a line item is equal to zero, that line item is checked for margin exceptions. Margin is calculated based on quantity ordered, not quantity shipped.
  • If the Quantity Shipped on a line item is equal to zero, only the last suffix or the order with the greatest suffix number is included.

To include the cost, margin, margin percentage, and cost of goods sold on the report, Yes must be selected for the Allow User to View Costs setting on your SA Operator Setup record.

If a special costing product is an exception, the Special Price/Cost Unit from the Product Setup record is printed next to the Price-Calc/WO/Spec Amt field. The Discount-Lev column displays the discount specified on the line during Sales Order Entry.

A Blanket Order (BL) displays the Lump Sum Bill amount under the Net Sale column. The associated Blanket Release (BR) displays the Lump Bill Amount for the release in the Net Sale column.

In the Tot By Ord Type section of the report, the grand total for net sales only includes the Blanket Release (BR) total. The Blanket Order (BL) total is omitted from the grand total to prevent overstating the grand total because the Blanket Order (BL) is never processed.

Note: This report can become very lengthy. Be careful when specifying the ranges and options to limit the report to only the information you require.

Foreign customers

If this report is run on a foreign customer (one associated with a foreign currency), the values that are included on the report are shown in the customer’s foreign currency.