Sales Order Inquiry - Line Detail overview

Sales > Order > Inquiry

Use this tab to view detailed information about line items on a sales order.

Select or clear these options to show or remove the associated types of lines from the grid:

  • Show Comment Lines
  • Show Inactive Lines
  • Show Sub Total Lines

When you drill down on a record to open a line item, these additional views are available, if applicable:

  • Actual Line History
  • Bundles
  • Comments
  • Configurator
  • Core Allocations
  • Correction Date
  • Custom
  • Extended

    The costs that are displayed on this view are determined by settings on your SA Operator Setup record. You can view one or all of these costs and the related margin amount and margin %:

    • Cost based on settings in SA Administrator Options-Products-Costs

    • Cost from Product Warehouse Product Setup, including the average, standard, replacement, or last cost

  • Internal/External Comments/Sub Total Lines
  • Kit

    For a kit component that is a linear cut lot product, the Available column in the Kit Components grid shows the number of cut pieces that have a length greater than or equal to the component's Quantity Needed. For all other kit components, the Available column shows the Net Available value from the Product Warehouse Product Setup record.

  • Lot
  • Non-Stock
  • Original Line History
  • Rebate

    If an Alternate Product Group was assigned, that value is displayed in this tab. The Alternate Product Group is assigned in the Non-Stock view, or was assigned to the Product Setup or Product Catalog Setup record for the line item.

    In this view, the currency is appropriate for the rebate. For example, if a Manual Rebate, Share Rebate, or Alternate Rebate applies to the line item, then the related data is displayed in this view. Additionally, if the line item is a nonstock and an Rebate Amount is displayed in domestic currency. The Rebate Cap Sell Amount is displayed in the customer's currency. For a Share rebate, the rebate originated from PD Pricing Setup in the vendor currency and has been converted to the customer's currency.

  • Return

    If the return was performed on a Correction order, the Corrected Invoice # field shows the original order number and the Line # field shows the original order line that the CR order line was tied to on the original order.

  • Return and Correction History

    Use this view when inquiring on original order lines. If Correction order lines or Return Merchandise order lines are tied to this line, they are displayed in the grid. The Price, Unit, Net Amount, Discount, and Rebate Amount values are displayed in the grid only if you have the appropriate operator security. The information in this section is included in the Return & Correction History section for the original order on the Sales Order Master List Report.

    Note: The data stored in the OEELCR table is used to track the CR and RM order lines that are attached to the original order line. Based on records in the OEELCR database table, the Returned / Corrected column in the Order Lines grid on the Line Detail tab indicates if the line was corrected, returned, or both. A value in this column indicates that a return or correction line was entered but not necessarily invoiced. If the no records are found in the OEELCR database table, Return is displayed in the column if quantity was returned against the order line.
  • Serial
  • Ties
  • Tally