Sales Entry Quote Print Report overview

Sales > Entry > OEE Reports > OEEPQ

Function acronym: OEEPQ

Use this report to print Quote Orders (QU) for a range of customers, ship tos, order numbers, warehouses, or entered dates.

The report detail includes the product name (or you can select to print the customer’s product name if there is an Product Extended Cross Reference Setup customer record), list price, and selling price.

You can compare the list and selling prices on each line of the current quote revision suffix (the last, active suffix) and the list and selling prices on the original quote suffix (-00) lines with an overage amount printed for list and price. Negative overages, where the price of the product on the original quote is greater than the price on the current revision, can be printed for those customers or ship tos who are set up to permit this.

You can select options to include all quote revisions on the report and to use customer product numbers in place of product numbers. You can specify the price that is printed: sales, list, overage, or the difference between the list price of the product on the current revision and sales price from the order line. If you choose to print the overage price, you can designate whether that is based on the sales or the list price of the original and current revision.

If the order approval code on a quote order is the margin legacy hold code, the quote order is not processed if it is included in either the range or the list.


Before you run this report, complete these prerequisites:

  • Set up these business rules in SA Business Rule Setup:
    • Override Price - Rule Value must be Yes to show the correct price on the line if you run Sales Entry Quote Print with the Price option set to (L)ist, (O)verage or S/L(D)iff.
    • Alternate Warehouse SXAPI Operator - Optional. The alternate operator ID set up for this rule is used if there is no SA Operator Setup record for the logged in operator.
  • Select these Inbound PO Settings options in Customer Setup-eCommerce:
    • Catalog Prod
    • Non-Stock Prod
    • Print Notes/Com
    • Price Override
  • Select the option, Show Negative Quote Overage, in Customer Setup or Customer Ship To Setup for those customers for whom you prepare quotes to indicate if negative overages should be shown on the report. If this option is not selected, a value of zero prints for the overage amount if the original price is greater than the price on the current quote revision. The selection depends upon whether your customer allows savings on quote revisions to be applied as an increase to a revision allowance.

    Enable security in SA Operator Setup-Function Security for OEEPQ for those operators who should have access to this new report.

This report is not intended as a document print like a pick ticket, acknowledgment, or invoice print where you can assign a different print format in SA Administrator Options-Documents-Sales Orders-Printing.