Vendor Default Setup field descriptions


Amount fields are provided for both Capitalized and Expensed addons:

  • Capitalized Addons Amount - Specify the amount of the capitalized addon to attach to the cost of inventory. Any addons you define here default in Purchase Order Entry, although the actual application of the capitalized addon takes place in Purchase Receipt of Inventory Entry or during purchase order costing in Vendor Invoice Center Entry, depending on how the Capitalize at Receiving/Costing option is set in SA Administrator Options-Documents Purchase Orders Accounting. Use the $/% icon to indicate if the addon is a flat amount or a percent of the order total.
  • Expensed Addons Amount - Specify the amount of the expensed addon to attach to the cost of the product. Expensed addons typically accompany products purchased for internal use. Any addons you define here default during purchase order costing in Vendor Invoice Center Entry on the Invoiced Addons screen. At that time, you can change the expensed or capitalized status. Use the $/% icon to indicate if the addon is a flat amount or a percent of the order total. Expensed addons are subtracted from the invoice when calculating the terms discount unless you select Gross in the Terms Disc field, in which case the addons are not subtracted.

These addons are capitalized as part of the cost of inventory and default in Purchase Order Entry. The actual application of the capitalized addons takes place in Purchase Entry Receipt of Inventory or during purchase order costing in Vendor Invoice Center Entry, depending on how the Capitalize at Receiving/Costing option is set in SA Administrator Options-Documents Purchase Orders Accounting.

Valid addon codes for vendor or third party addons that will be capitalized as part of the cost of inventory must be set up in SA Table Code Values Setup. You cannot specify duplicate capitalized addon codes for a single vendor. You can only specify capitalized addons if the Include Addons option for Post to G/L by is selected in SA Administrator Options-Products-Costs.

Delivery Handling Code

Use this field to indicate special needs for the shipment. For example, specify FB for flatbed or LG for lift gate. The code is only visible if the purchase order is printed or exported to EDI. This field is user-defined, alphanumeric (up to 4 characters), is not validated, and is not stored in the purchase order header. No other functionality within Distribution SX.e uses this code.

Direct Purchase Order Add Ons

Select this option to access the Direct Purchase Order Add Ons section to specify up to six addons (two expensed and four capitalized) that are used as default addons on Direct Order purchase orders only. These are PO addons that are usually intended to be billed directly to the customer for direct order freight and handling charges.

Addons are defined in SA Table Code Values Setup-PO Addons. A General Ledger account number may be associated with each addon and is used as a default if the addon is expensed. If the addon is capitalized, the amount is prorated to the inventory accounts associated with the lines on the purchase order. If the addon is set up in SA Table Code Value Setup-PO Addons as an addon tied to an Order Entry addon, the GL accounts for both the PO addon and the OE addon are utilized when posting addon costs. The system does not validate that PO addons set up as default addons in the Direct Purchase Order Add Ons section are tied to an Order Entry Addon in SA Table Code Valus Setup-PO Addons.

If you clear this option, all values in the Direct Purchase Order Add Ons section are cleared.


Select the addon from the list. This becomes the default value in the Expensed Addon field when you create a Direct Order (DO) purchase order for this vendor, but can be overridden.

  • (Expensed) Amount/% - Indicate if the expensed addon is a flat amount or percentage of the order amount.
  • Capitalized - Select the addon from the list. This becomes the default value in the Capitalized Addon field when you create a Direct Order (DO) purchase order for this vendor, but can be overridden.
  • (Capitalized) Amount - Indicate if the capitalized addon is a flat amount or percentage of the order amount.
  • Expensed - These addons are charges attached to the cost of the product that are charged to a General Ledger expense account and not capitalized as part of the cost of inventory. Expensed addons typically accompany products purchased for internal use.

Addons must be set up in SA Table Code Value Setup before they can be set up on the vendor record. Two expensed addon codes can be set up per vendor. The addon codes cannot be duplicates of other addon codes set up for this vendor, whether they are expensed or capitalized. Any addons set up here will default on the Invoiced Addons window during purchase order costing in Vendor Invoice Center Entry. At that time, you can change the expensed or capitalized status.

Expensed and capitalized addons are subtracted from the invoice when calculating the terms discount unless you select Gross in the Terms Disc field, in which case the addons will not be subtracted.

Order Discount

Use this field in conjunction with the Use Ship Via Discount option. Specify the amount or percent of discount that defaults during purchase order creation if the Capitalize Order Discount option in SA Administrator Options-Documents-Purchase Orders-Accounting is selected. The value can be overridden in Purchase Order Entry and Purchase Demand Center Entry. If this field is blank, no discount will default in Purchase Order Entry . Use the $/% icon to indicate if the discount entered is a flat amount or a percent of the order total.

Ship From

Select a Ship From associated with the Vendor selected.

Ship Service Code

Use this field to indicate to the supplier what type of shipping should be used. You can possibly use this field to cross reference the shipping service level, carrier, or both. For example, the supplier may require this field to be populated with ‘01’ (for any ground-based Ship Via) or with ‘02’ (for ‘UPS 2 Day’). This field is user-defined (based on a supplier's requirement), alphanumeric (up to 4 characters), is not validated, and is not stored in the purchase order header. For some suppliers, this will allow an EDI purchase order to automatically be imported into their system.

Ship Via

Select a code for the Vendor or Ship From specified. The Ship Via is a code set up in SA Table Code Value Setup to represent a method for shipping orders, transfers, and shipping requests (for example Company truck, FedEx, UPS, DHL, Airborne, and USPS).

Supplier Min Lead Days

To meet the suppliers requirements for lead time, specify the number of days to add to the requested ship date specified in the purchase order. When the purchase order is created, the requested ship date set on the PO header and PO lines will be incremented by the number of days specified in this field. Once the requested ship date has been incremented, the following fields are set to the new requested ship date: Expected Ship Date, line Expected Ship Date, line Due Date.

The Vendor Default Setup settings work if you create purchase orders from all origins: Purchase Order Entry , Sales Order Entry sourcing, Purchase Demand Center Entry , or Purchase Entry Recommended Replenishment Action Report . Although, if a requested ship date is manually specified in Purchase Demand Center Entry , then the manually specified date is used to create the purchase order.

Use Ship Via Addons

This field indicates if Addons from Vendor Default Setup should be applied to a purchase order created or maintained for this combination. If you select this option, you can specify addons and their amounts in the Expensed and Capitalized fields.

Use Ship Via Discount

This field indicates if Work Order discounts from Vendor Default Setup should be applied to a purchase order created or maintained for this combination. If you select this option, you can specify an amount or percent in the Order Discount field.


Select the vendor to create defaults for.