Freight Expected

Knowing whether freight charges are expected with a purchase order is valuable information for PO and AP clerks. Clerks can verify the expectation with the Freight Expected option. This option is displayed as a check box in applicable modules, such as Purchase Order Entry and Vendor Setup.

For example, if you are an AP clerk and you receive a freight invoice or a trade invoice that shows freight charges, you can determine if freight was expected for the purchase order by accessing the purchase order view. If the Freight Expected option is not selected, indicating freight charges were not expected, then you know to follow up on whether the freight charges are valid.

How does it work

The Freight Expected option is selected by default and must be cleared to indicate that charges are not expected. To provide flexibility and ease of use, the option is available and can be cleared, when applicable, in these modules: Purchase Order Entry, Product Line Setup, Vendor Ship From Setup, and Vendor Setup. The option setting is displayed on purchase order entry and invoices [trade, addons] based on this hierarchy:

  • If you have specified a product line in the purchase order, the setting is based on whether the option is selected in Product Line Setup.
  • If you have specified a Ship From in the purchase order, the setting is based on whether the option is selected in Vendor Ship From Setup.
  • If you have not specified a product line or Ship From, the setting is based on whether the option is selected in Vendor Setup.

During Purchase Order Entry, if the Freight Expected option has not been selected in any of the hierarchical setup functions, then the option is not selected in the Review & Totals view. The check box is clear and a message is displayed: Freight Not Expected For This PO. You can modify the setting during purchase order entry to indicate freight is expected or not expected for this particular purchase order (PO).

When automatic freight allocation is enabled in SA Administrator Options-Vendors-Invoice Defaults, Freight Expected is set in Purchase Order Entry based on the purchase order's freight terms type. Freight Expected is selected when the freight terms type is Prepay and Add or 3rd Party.

Interaction with other functions

The Freight Expected option is accessible or displayed in these other functions:

  • Purchase Receipt of Inventory Entry: A Freight Expected column is displayed in the results grid. If freight is not expected on a PO, NE is displayed in this column. The option is displayed on the Addons tab in the Add Ons/Discount section. The option can be overridden.
  • Purchase Demand Center Entry: The field is displayed on the Header view in the Add Ons section.
  • Purchase Order Inquiry: A Freight Expected column is displayed in the results grid. If freight is not expected on a PO, NE is displayed in this column. The Freight Expected option is displayed on the Totals view. The message "Freight Is Not Expected On This PO" displays on the Totals view if the field has not been selected on the current PO.
  • Vendor Invoice Center Entry: The message, Freight Is Not Expected On This PO is displayed on the PO Header Entry view if the field has not been selected on the subject PO.

The Freight Expected option applies to all purchase orders types. If the option is changed on a Blanket Order, the change applies to the Blanket Release created when the order is released. Existing Blanket Releases are not updated.

If you copy a purchase order, the Freight Expected setting is not copied from the original PO.

The Freight Expected setting is applied independently of any Freight options set for PO Addons in SA Table Code Value Setup-PO Addons.


The Freight Expected feature is flexible, so there are several ways to use the option. Some ways may require you to reset the field on one or more combinations of functions. For example, if there is an agreement with a vendor to not pay freight, then the Product Line Setup, Vendor Ship From Setup, and Vendor Setup settings must to be modified.

  • If the agreement exists only for a certain Ship From for a vendor, then the option must be cleared in Vendor Ship From Setup.
  • If the agreement is specifically for a vendor, then the option must be cleared in Vendor Setup.
  • If the agreement is for a particular product line, then the option must be selected in Product Line Setup.
  • If the agreement is only for a particular purchase order, then the option must be selected in Purchase Order Entry.