Canceling a sales order line

You can cancel a line and identify it as lost business if you have the correct security in SA Operator Setup. Authorization must be obtained to cancel a line that is tied to a purchase order or warehouse transfer.

If a line is canceled on an order containing that line only and a backorder (-01) suffix, the backordered lines are transferred to the -00 suffix.

Note: If an error occurs when an order line is accessed in maintenance mode, this error might be displayed: Errors Exist: Can't Maintain Line; Set to Lost Business and Re-Add (6794). The error that caused the problem is displayed in the Error window. You cannot maintain the line. You must set it to lost business and create a new line.
  1. Select Sales > Entry > Orderr.
  2. Click Maintain.
  3. Specify the order number, and the click Next.
  4. Click Edit Lines.
  5. Select the line to cancel, and then click Lost Business.
  6. Specify a lost business reason, and then click OK.
  7. Finish the order.