Sales order line DO

You can enter several products from different sources on the same order using line Direct Orders, or line DOs. You can enter line items for products from your inventory, or the products can be obtained from vendors and warehouses and shipped directly to your customer. If the product can be added to an existing purchase order or warehouse transfer for the customer, then a line item is added to the existing document. If a purchase order or warehouse transfer does not fit the required criteria, then a new source document is created.

When you enter a line DO, it is tied to a purchase order or warehouse transfer. The tie cannot be eliminated unless the sales order line is deleted. If the source document has not been printed, then the corresponding line is deleted. If you change the sales order line after the source document is printed, then you must reprint the source document.

Note: Ties to Direct Order purchase orders (DO POs) can be broken, or unlinked, for specific cases. You may unlink Direct Orders from DO POs to maintain the two orders independently and in a different order than you would for standard DO processing. For example, you may invoice the DO before the DO PO is received from the vendor to receive full or partial payment of the DO from your customer prior to the product being shipped. Unlinking DO ties is controlled by the Allow Unlink of DO Ties option in SA Operator Setup-Entry Options. The Unlink DO Ties option in Sales Order Entry can then be selected and any automatic ties created for the DO can be unlinked before the order is finished.

If you create a line DO for a product with a direct ship status in Product Warehouse Product Setup, then you must tie the line to a source document to add the line to the order.

If the line DO is back-ordered, then the tie is moved to the back order. You receive notification when the products are shipped to the customer. The order can be invoiced, and it flows through regular processing channels.

If the tie is on a Blanket line item (BL), which is a requirement for BL lines, then the tie is created when the BL is converted to a Blanket Release (BR).

When Allow Direct Order Returns in SA Administrator Options-Documents-Sales Orders- Entry Settings is selected, you can also enter direct order return lines on sales orders. You must select the Direct Order option on the Returns page. Direct order return lines are used to account for direct order products that are returned to the vendor by the customer. When you create direct order return line, you must specify a vendor type return reason. You must also source the product from the vendor that received the return from the customer.