Setting up a prebuilt or build-on-demand kit

Before you can set up a kit in KP Component Setup, you must set up the kit product as a stock product in Product Setup and Product Warehouse Product Setup. A prebuilt kit product is assembled from a work order and placed in inventory to be sold at a later date. A build-on-demand (BOD) kit product is assembled when it is ordered by a customer and the pick ticket, which contains the components, is printed.

Note:  You cannot set up a labor product as a prebuilt kit.
  1. Select Product > Setup > Product.
  2. Click New.
  3. Specify the product number for the kit product; click Create & Continue.
  4. On the General view, specify information in the fields as appropriate. In the Kit section, specify values for these and other fields:
    1. In the Kit Type field, select Build On Demand or Pre-Built.
    2. In the OE Kit Rollup field, select a roll-up option.
    3. In the Comp Prt Transfer field, select the documents on which you want the components to print. If you are setting up a prebuilt kit, components do not print, regardless of this setting.
    4. If you are setting up a BOD kit, you can require that the operator enter a nonstock component when entering a sales order. Select Req N/S Component option.
  5. Complete and save the record.
  6. Select Product > Setup > Warehouse Product.
  7. Click New.
  8. Specify the same product number you used in step 3.
  9. If you entered the product number for a prebuilt kit, specify the vendor and product line for this kit.
  10. Specify a warehouse; click OK.
  11. On the General view, specify information in the fields as appropriate. In the Authorized Replenishment Path section, specify these values:
    • If you are setting up a prebuilt kit, select Kit in the Type field and click Save.
    • If you are setting up a BOD kit, select Vendor in the Type field. Specify the vendor and product line.
  12. Complete and save the record.

    When specifying Ordering values, note that prebuilt kits usually use a min/max ordering method.

  13. Select Kit Production > Setup > Components.
  14. Click New.
  15. In the Kit Product field, specify the kit’s product number.
  16. Select Component in the Type field and complete the remaining fields. Indicate if this component is required, has a variable quantity, allows substitutes, should have its price rolled into the price of the kit, and should print on order acknowledgements, pick tickets, and bid worksheets.
  17. Click Save to add the component to the kit.

    If the component has a core charge, an error occurs. You cannot add a core charge component to a prebuilt kit.

  18. To add another component, or a group, keyword, option, or reference, repeat steps 14-17, selecting correct option in the Type field.