Setting up containers for linear cut products

To include a container with the linear cut product on a sales order, use these instructions to set up the container in Product Setup-Cut and associate it with the cut product in Product Extended Product Cut Container Setup.

Ensure the wire diameter is specified on the linear cut product's Product Setup record before you complete these steps.

  1. Select Product > Setup > Product.
  2. Click New.
  3. Specify the container ID in the Product field.
  4. Complete the remaining fields and click Save.
  5. Complete the fields on the General tab. Click Save.
  6. Access the Cut view and click Edit.
  7. Specify these values:
    Cut Type
    Select NoCut.
    Container Type
    Select the container type, either Spool or Box.
  8. If you selected Spool for the Container Type, specify these values:
    Barrel Diameter
    Specify the value, in inches, that defines the diameter of the spool barrel.
    Reel Traverse
    Specify the length of the spool's reel traverse.
    Container Factor
    This is a calculated field based on the spool's measurements:
    Container Factor = [Barrel Diameter + (Flange Length - Unusable Flange Portion)] * (Flange Length - Unusable Flange Portion) * Reel Traverse * Adjustment Factor
    Flange Length
    Specify the value, in inches, that defines the length of the spool flange. Flanges are the narrow circular guards that cap either end of the spool's flat edges.
    Unusable Flange Portion
    Specify the value, in inches, that defines the unused portion of the flange, sometimes referred to as the freeboard.
  9. If you selected Box for the Container Type, specify these values:
    Specify the length of the box.
    Specify the width of the box.
    Container Factor
    This is a calculated field based on the box's measurements.
    To determine the capacity of a cut product in a box, the shorter of the box length and width values is used: Container Factor = [(0.5 * Shortest) + (0.25 * Shortest)] * (0.25 * Shortest) * Height * Adjustment Factor.
    Specify the height of the box.
  10. Use the fields in the Capacity Work Pad to determine the capacity of the cut container. The values in these fields are not stored.
    Adjustment Factor
    The Adjustment Factor is a constant value used for a given wire diameter to allow for less than 100% of a container's working capacity. The larger the number, the more capacity the container can hold. Generally, the larger the wire diameter, the smaller the Adjustment Factor should be. The default value is 0.262. This value can be changed if required. Refer to your manufacturer's guidelines for assigning an adjustment factor.
    When you change the value in the Adjustment Factor field and then specify the wire diameter, the value in the Container Factor field is recalculated.
    Wire Diameter
    Specify the diameter of the wire, in inches, represented as a decimal value. For example, a wire diameter of a quarter inch would be specified as .25.
    This value is calculated automatically based on the values you specify in the Adjustment Factor and Wire Diameter fields. It is calculated as:
    Container Factor / (Wire Diameter)2
  11. Click Save.
  12. Select Product > Setup > Extended Product Cut Container.
  13. Specify the cut product in the Product field and click Search.
  14. If any containers have already been associated with this cut product, they are listed in the Container Products grid. Click New to add the new container.
  15. Specify the container product you added in steps 1-11.
  16. Click Save.
    Note: Click Save & New if you want to associate multiple cut containers with the selected linear cut product.
  17. If you have associated multiple containers with the cut product, you can change the priority in which they are presented in Sales Order Entry. Click Reassign Priority and then select the container to move up or down in the list.
  18. Click OK.
Use the Copy option to copy one or more containers to another linear cut product. This can save you time when you are setting up cut products that use the same containers.