Copying a product record

When you create product records, you can save time by copying similar existing records. You can use the Product Administration Warehouse Copy Report to copy a range of products from one warehouse to another. If you a creating a single record, you can copy an existing record in Product Setup or Product Warehouse Product Setup.

Use these instructions to create a single record:

  1. Select Product > Setup > Product.
  2. Specify search criteria. Click Search.
  3. Select the product you want to copy. Click Copy.
  4. Specify the new product. Click OK.
  5. In the General view, the information displayed is the default settings from the product record you copied. Change the fields as required and then save the information.
  6. After you complete the changes in each view, close the maintenance window.
  7. Select Product > Setup > Warehouse Product.
  8. Click New.
  9. Specify the new product and the warehouse which will stock the product. Optionally, specify a vendor and product line.
  10. Click Save.
  11. In each view, specify the information applicable to this warehouse product record and then save your changes.
  12. Close the maintenance window.
  13. Create additional warehouse product records for each warehouse that will stock the item.