Entering an order for a bulk delivery product

Bulk Delivery products are set up in Product Setup with the Bulk Delivery option selected. You can create sales orders automatically for bulk delivery products in BD Demand Center Entry, or you can create them manually in Sales Order Entry. Use these instructions to create a manual sales order for a bulk delivery product.

Only Stock Orders (SO), Return Merchandise (RM), or Correction (CR) orders are flagged as bulk delivery orders. For these order types, an internal Bulk Delivery Order flag is set to True on the order header. Bulk Delivery orders cannot be copied.

You are not prevented from entering a bulk delivery product on other order types, however, it is not identified as a bulk delivery order and is not eligible for processing in other Bulk Delivery functions, such as BD Load Center Entry.

See Replenishing bulk delivery storage devices for instructions for using BD Demand Center Entry to recommend replenishment quantities and automatically create orders.

  1. Select Sales > Order > Entry.
  2. Specify the information on the Initiate window and click Next.
  3. Click Advanced to access the Advanced Line Entry window.
  4. Specify this information:

    Specify the bulk delivery product.


    Specify the quantity to be delivered.

  5. In the Extended Fields section, specify the Tank ID.
    Note: You can move the Tank ID field to the Line Entry section using Personalization.
  6. Click Add.
  7. if you have other bulk products to add to the order, such as drum substitutes, repeat steps 4-7. You cannot combine non-bulk products on an order with bulk products.
    Note: Substitute bulk products, such as drums, are identified as bulk products on the Product Extended Product Cross Reference Setup record, not on the Product Setup record. Similarly, if you specify a bulk product that is also a core product, the implied core is also added to the order.
  8. Finish the order.
    The sales order header is updated to identify it as a bulk delivery order. The Bulk Delivery Order flag can be viewed on the Customer Order Settings view.
    A bulk delivery transaction (BDET) is created when you finish the order. The sales order can be maintained, if necessary, but you cannot change the Tank ID.
  9. The order is ready to be shipped. Pick tickets are not printed for bulk delivery orders. Use BD Load Center Entry to schedule delivery of your bulk orders.