Paying a disputed vendor

You can make a one-time payment to a disputed vendor for an invoice or group of invoices. The status of the vendor remains Disputed in Vendor Setup.

  1. Select Vendor > Reports > Cash Requirement Report.
  2. Create the report as a stored report.
  3. Specify the disputed vendor in the Vendor # beginning and ending range.
  4. Select the Show Disputed Vendors option.
  5. Run the report. Make note of the report's job number.
  6. Select Vendor > Entry > Edit Payment Selection.
  7. Specify the job from step 5 in the Job Name field and click Search.
  8. Select the invoice or invoices you want to pay and change the Status from Dispute to Pay.
  9. Click Save to run the report. Make a note of the journal number.
  10. Select Vendor > Entry > APE Reports > Check Print.
  11. Specify the journal number from step 9 in the Journal # field.
  12. Select Yes to Pay Disputed Vendors?.
  13. Click Save to print the checks.