Warehouse Transfers

This section lists the Key Performance Indicators (KPI) for the Warehouse Transfers domain and the calculation used to determine their results.
KPI name KPI calculation
Ordered Amount
[wteh_orderdt: Sum: wteh_totordamt]
Received Amount
[wteh_receiptdt: Sum: wteh_totrcvamt]
Shipped Amount
[wteh_shipdt: Sum: wteh_totshipamt]
Fill Rate
[wteh_shipdt: # Distinct wtno] WHERE [WTEH.wteh_shipdt] IS NOT NULL) / ([wteh_orderdt: # Distinct wtno] WHERE [WTEH.wteh_orderdt] IS NOT NULL)
# Warehouse Transfers
[wteh_enterdt: # Distinct wtno]
Total Lines
[wtel_enterdt: # Distinct wtlineno]