Birst subject area and space access

Infor Distribution Analytics Content is delivered with a Default Subject Area and several Custom Subject Areas. The Default Subject Area is a listing of all attributes and measures in the space. Most users, except those with the highest permissions, do not see the Default Subject Area. Users have access to certain Custom Subject Areas depending on their role.

Each of these Custom Subject Areas corresponds to a domain:

  • Accounts Payable
  • Accounts Receivable
  • General Ledger
  • Inventory
  • Price Discount
  • Purchasing
  • Sales
  • Total Warehouse Logistics
  • Warehouse Transfers
  • Master
  • Time

Access to Birst spaces is controlled by Space Groups. By default, Infor Distribution Analytics content is further controlled by enabling certain Infor Ming.le roles to have access to specific Birst spaces.

This table shows the Infor Ming.le security roles and the Custom Subject Area and Space Groups each role is synchronized to:
Infor Ming.le security role Custom Subject Area access Birst Space access
Birst-SystemAdministrator All All
SXBirst-Consumer-Administrator All Consumer
SXBirst-Model-Administrator Source, Conformed, AR, AP, Sales, IC, Purchase, and GL
SX-BIRST-AccountsPayable Accounts Payable Consumer, AP
SX-BIRST-AccountsReceivable Accounts Receivable Consumer, AR
SX-BIRST-GeneralLedger General Ledger Consumer, GL
SX-BIRST-InventoryControl Inventory Consumer, IC
SX-BIRST-KitProduction Sales Consumer
SX-BIRST-OrderEntry Sales Consumer, Sales
SX-BIRST-Purchasing Purchase Consumer, Purchase
SX-BIRST-SalesManager Sales and Price Discount Consumer, Sales
SX-BIRST-SalesManagerExecutive Sales and Price Discount Consumer, Sales
SX-BIRST-ValueAdd Consumer
SX-BIRST-WarehouseManager Total Warehouse Logistics, Warehouse Transfers Consumer
SX-BIRST-WarehouseTransfer Consumer

All security roles also have access to the Time and Master subject areas. The Master Custom Subject Area contains Conformed and Common dimensions.