Sales Freight Rate Setup field descriptions

Fields are presented in alphabetical order.

Freight Rate

The freight charged based upon the weight limit designated for this line.

Over Maximum Rate

The amount per pound that is used to calculate the freight if an order’s weight exceeds the maximum weight entered in the Maintain Freight Rates section.

For example: If the maximum weight limit is 100 lbs and the order weight is 120 lbs, the order freight is calculated by multiplying the order weight by the Over Maximum Rate amount.


The sequence number associated with a weight limit and rate. You can specify up to 500 sequences.

Ship Via

The method used for shipping orders, such as FedEx or UPS.


The warehouse if the freight rate is warehouse-specific.

Weight Limit

The maximum weight that applies to the freight rate for a sequence. The weight limit represents the maximum limit for a freight rate and each subsequent entry’s range starts with the previous maximum limit entry.

For example, if the weight limit specified for sequence 1 is 50, then all shipments up to 50 lbs are assigned sequence 1 freight rate. If the weight limit specified for sequence 2 is 100, then all shipments between 51-100 pounds are assigned the freight rate for sequence 2. The system validates that each subsequent weight limit is larger than the previous entry. A zero weight entry identifies the end of the table.


The zone designator that links the rates to a zone and carrier.