Customer Master Group Setup - Credit field descriptions

Fields are presented in alphabetical order within each section. Click a link to advance to that section.

Credit Information

Credit Settings

Credit Information

Accounts Payable Manager

The accounts payable manager is the group’s representative who should be contacted about credit problems. Typically, this is the person in charge of Accounts Payable who has the authority to decide which outstanding invoices are paid first.

Credit Established

Specify the date that this record was originally established.

Last Review

This field is updated when the Customer Credit Report is run. Do not enter a date during the initial setup.


To assign a credit manager to the group, specify the credit manager's initials.

These execution paths are used for notification:

  • If a credit manager is designated in Customer Setup and a credit manager is designated in Customer Master Group Setup, then both managers receive notification. If the manager on both records is the same person, only one notification is sent.
  • If a credit manager is designated in Customer Setup but the Manager field in Customer Master Group Setup is blank, then only the customer’s manager receives notification.

In both cases, no notification is sent if the operator that enters the sales order is designated as the credit manager.

In Sales Credit Release Inquiry, you can limit the orders that are displayed by designating a credit manager.

  • If a credit manager is entered in the Credit Mgr field but the Customer # field is blank, then all orders that are on hold with that credit manager are displayed.
  • If a credit manager is specified in the Credit Mgr field and a customer number is specified in the Customer # field, then all orders that are on hold for that customer are displayed, regardless of the credit manager.

If you use SA Event Manager Activate Entry to notify the credit manager, the credit manager that is specified in Customer Setup is notified.

The Sales Order Audit Report reports on sales orders where the credit manager on the internal OE Entry Hold Credit record is different from the credit manager on the Customer Setup record. If the report is run in update mode, the credit manager on the OE Entry Hold Credit record is changed to the Customer Setup credit manager.

Next Review

Specify the next review date. This date should be entered when the credit information is originally set up, and each time it is reviewed.


The phone number of the AP Manager. The last four characters are designated for an extension.

Credit Settings

Apply Credit Limit By

Select Apply Group Limit to apply the group credit limit to all members of the group. Select this option to control the credit limit of the group collectively. The value that is specified in the Credit Limit field is the group credit limit. If the total outstanding balance of all members of the group exceeds the group credit limit, all sales orders for all members of the group are placed on credit hold. If the total outstanding balance is less than the group credit limit, then the order is approved.

Master Group 1 Balance Credit Hold Group Credit Limit
Member A $3,000.00 Yes $6,000.00
Member B $4,000.00 Yes $6,000.00
Member C $0.00 Yes $6,000.00
Total $7,000.00   $6,000.00

If a group credit limit is applied, the credit limit values set for individual members in Customer Setup, Customer Ship To Setup, or both are not used by the system in the credit check logic.

Select Group in Hierarchy to apply the group credit limit or the customer credit limit to the member. Select this option to control the credit limit with a combination of group and member credit limit values. This option does not penalize members of the group that keep a small outstanding balance when other members of the group do not pay their invoices in a timely manner. With this option, the outstanding balance for that particular member of the group is also used in the credit check logic.

If the customer or the customer ship to outstanding balance is greater than the group credit limit, then the order goes on credit hold.

If the balance is less than the master group limit, but greater than the customer or customer ship to credit limit, the order is placed on hold.

MasterGroup1 Balance Credit Hold Customer Credit Limit Group Credit Limit
MemberA $3,000.00 No $3,000.00 $6,000.00
MemberB $4,000.00 Yes $3,000.00 $6,000.00
MemberC $0.00 No $3,000.00 $6,000.00
MemberD $6,500.00 Yes $8,000.00 $6,000.00

If you use this option, the group credit limit is the maximum amount of credit that is extended to each member of the group. It also gives you flexibility to set and use the customer or customer ship to credit limit of a specific individual member apart from the group credit limit, while still imposing a limit on all members of the group.

Select Bypass to Customer to apply the credit limit based on the member’s customer settings. The system credit check uses each group member’s customer or customer ship to credit limits. Holds are placed based on those limits.

Members of the group with good performance, for example, can be extended unlimited credit. A restrictive credit limit can be imposed on members without good performance.

Credit Limit

Specify the credit limit for the group. Leave this field blank if you select Bypass to Customer in the Apply Credit Limit By field, or if you want no credit limit restrictions on all members of the group.

You can use additional credit limit hold settings at the company and warehouse levels to increase customer’s credit limit and maximum sales order amount. You can use the settings to reduce the number of orders that go on hold and the time required to review and release the orders.

You can set the Credit Limit Tolerance Percentage and Max Order Amount fields in these functions:

  • SA Administrator Options-Documents-Sales Orders-Processing
  • Product Warehouse Description Setup

The settings bypass standard logic for credit hold limits. The settings at the warehouse level override the values that you specify at the company level.

Hold or Open Date

If you specify Hold Until or Open Until in the Sales Order Status field, specify an appropriate date.

Hold Period

The hold period order approval allows orders to be placed on credit hold if that customer has a balance in the specified, or later, period. Default periods and their durations are set in SA Administrator Options-Customers-Balances-Aging Periods. Logic for the group uses one of these execution paths that is based on the value you select:

  • Bypass: Apply the hold period based on each member’s customer settings.
  • 0: Do not apply the hold period to any group member.
  • 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5: Apply the hold period selected to all members of the group.
Sales Order Status

Select a sales order status for the group. It is applied in Sales Order Entry and other functions where a sales order can be created. These options apply to the approval status for a new order, or a resulting backorder.

Select one of these values:

  • Bypass: Apply the Sales Order Status based on each member’s customer settings.
  • Yes: All orders entered by members of the group are approved if within credit parameters.
  • No: No order entry is allowed for any member of the group.
  • Cash Only: Cash is the only payment type that is accepted for any member of the group.
  • COD Only: Cash On Delivery (COD) order is the only orders members of the group can place. If COD Only is selected at the group level, the terms that are specified on member’s Customer Setup record are checked by the system. If a member customer record is set up with terms that are not COD, a warning message indicating that the Sales Order Status of the group is in conflict with the terms of an existing group member is displayed.
  • Hold Until: All orders that are placed by members of the group are placed on hold until the Hold Open Date set for the group is reached. After the group’s hold date is reached, all new orders are approved.
  • Open Until: All orders that are placed by members of the group follow normal credit processes until the Open Date set for the group is reached. After the Open Date is reached, all new orders that are placed by any member of the group are placed on hold.