Transfer Inquiry - Overview overview

Transfer > Inquiry > Transfer

Use this tab to view key information about the warehouse transfer. Summary and line information is displayed for all transaction types.

The order information is grouped in collapsible sections, also called cards, that displays data from other tabs. It is presented in standard static fields, key performance indicator (KPI) charts, and other visual components.

A Summary section and Lines section is displayed for all transaction types.

The Summary section displays these elements:

  • Select fields from the General and Totals tabs.
  • Counts for lines and packages. Each number is a hyperlink that opens the corresponding tab.
  • Color-coded tags that indicate these flags or conditions that apply to the order:
    • Header notes: Displays if notes are attached at the order level
    • Line Comments: Displays if the order includes line-level comments
    • Rush flag: Displays if the transfer needs to be received earlier than normal
    • Ignore lead time: Displays if lead times for line items are excluded from the lead time average calculation
    • Direct route
    • Warehouse transfer cancelled
  • Process indicator that displays the sales order stages and the related dates.

The Lines section displays donut charts with Line Types, Shipped Quantity, and Received Quantity data.


Depending on the data on the order, the Lines section can contain these donut charts:

  • Line Types: Shows percentage of stock, nonstock, special, and cancelled line types on the warehouse transfer.
  • Shipped Quantity: Shows the percentage of line items that were fully or partially shipped. This chart is not displayed if all lines on the order are returns or if the order does not contain lines.
  • Received Quantity: Shows the percentage of line items that were fully or partially received. This chart is not displayed if all lines on the order are returns or if the order does not contain lines.

Users can personalize the Overview tab to hide or collapse a card, change the color of tags, and make other changes. Developers can also use the Extension Enablement Toolkit to customize the tab and add additional tags to meet your business requirements.


Access to the Overview tab is determined by your functionality security in SA Operator Setup. By default, all users that currently have access to Transfer Inquiry are given access to the Overview tab.