Sales Order Entry - Taxes & Totals overview

Sales > Entry > Order

Use this page to view and specify tax-related information and to access the pages for maintaining tax details, addons, discounts, and freight rates for the order.

Sales Use Tax (SUT) | Goods and Services (GST) | Value Added Tax (VAT)

Note: The title of this section varies, based on the Tax Method selected in SA Company Setup.

To enable taxing, you must perform setups in several functions. These various settings are used to determine whether a) some windows and fields are displayed, for example, to collect or adjust additional tax information, and b) how that amount is applied to an order. For each order, the taxable status and rate settings are obtained by the system in these multiple functions, then taxes are automatically calculated by the system for the sales order.

So, before you enter orders in Sales Order Entry, ensure that tax jurisdictions and rates are defined. The sales order is automatically filled with tax information obtained from the tax master record, such as SA Sales Use Tax Setup, and from warehouse or customer records. Without the tax information, the order cannot be processed correctly because this information determines if the customer should be taxed. The taxing jurisdiction records contain the required tax rates.

If tax information does not exist or requires modification, operators with correct security can add or edit the information before they continue to enter line items. If the operator previously made line-level changes, changes that were made here might override the previous. Any changes that were made in this view affects the current order only; the customer or inventory tax records are not updated. Change tax information before the order is shipped or invoiced.

Any changes made to tax information in Sales Order Entry-Taxes & Totals are saved when you navigate away from Taxes & Totals. To ensure any changes made to tax information in Sales Order Entry-Taxes & Totals are not only saved, but recalculated, we recommend you always click Recalculate to update the pertinent fields. This is a best practice if you change taxability, or if you edit or create addons or discounts. Recalculating forces a re-totaling of the order in real time and enables you to view the updated tax information. If you make a change and navigate away from Taxes & Totals by clicking Finish or clicking Collect Payment, you cannot see the results of those changes because the changes are made after leaving.

Tax Detail

Note: The Tax Detail section is available if your Tax Interface is System Rates or AvaTax.

Only the names of the jurisdictions that apply to this order are displayed in Tax Detail grid. The Tax Detail grid shows tax information obtained from warehouse or customer records. If multiple jurisdictions apply because of products with different Tax Groups, those additional jurisdiction names may not be shown.

For example, if a product is entered that is set up in Product Warehouse Product Setup with a tax group of Standard, tax master records for each jurisdiction that apply to the order with a tax group of Standard are found by the system. If not all jurisdictions have been set up in the tax master record for tax group Standard, taxes are not calculated for those jurisdictions.

Drill down on the records in the grid to view details about the jurisdiction, tax rates, and tax amounts that were calculated for the order from the database table containing this information. Operators with correct security can edit or create the information before they continue to enter line items.


Use the Totals section of this page to view current totals from the order, including detail about ordered and shipped line items. Other current totals, including detail about quantities ordered and shipped, weight, cubes, gross margin, core, restock, and DATC, are displayed in this section of the page.