Product Replenishment Setup - Priority overview

Product > Setup > Replenishment

The reports in the Purchase Demand Center Entry can be sorted using six different methods. The most critical buys are shown at the top of a buyer's replenishment report. Use this page to specify the parameters for this sorting at the company-level.

The six different sort methods used to establish priority are:

  • Rush Purchase Order
  • Critical Point, which is calculated as order point minus safety allowance and is stored in Product Warehouse Product Setup-Ordering
  • Below Order Point
  • Negative Purchase Net Available, where a product’s PNA is less than zero, an indication that the product is back ordered
  • Document Ties, for products that are tied to other documents in the system (for example, sales orders, warehouse transfers)
  • Normal Purchasing

When the Purchase Entry Recommended Replenishment Action Report is processed, a product may qualify for more than one priority setting. In other words, it might be a rush product and below order point. The highest priority setting takes precedence.