GL Financial Statement Setup overview

General Ledger > Setup > Financial Statement

Function acronym: GLSF

Use this page to create, copy, delete, and change the description of financial statements.

Use GL Financial Statement Setup and the associated GL Financial Statements Report to develop financial statements and reports that meet your company requirements.


Complete these setups before setting up financial statement information:

  • GL Account Setup
  • GL Budget Setup
  • SA Company Setup
  • SA Operator Setup

Financial statement design types

Several financial statement design types are available in Distribution SX.e. You can use one of these predefined design types to create and name your specific financial statement:

  • Account
  • Computation
  • Heading
  • Horizontal Account
  • Memory
  • Columns
  • Format
  • Horizontal Format
  • Page
  • Selection

Specify a unique design name for all statements you create. When you create from predefined design type, a record in GL Financial Statement Setup is created. The record includes the name of the design, the designer initials, and a time and date stamp for when the design was created.

You can copy information from an existing design if the financial statements are similar. You can set up one financial statement, copy it to a new design name, and then modify it. You can use each of the design types as many times as required within one design.

Each statement design record applies to all companies set up in the system. They are not company-specific. You can use all statement designs in all companies in a multi-company environment.

See GL Financial Statement Setup design types.

Typical use examples

Three design record types determine the information printed on the statement: Selection, Columns, Account. The Selection type specifies companies, divisions, and departments to print, and whether to print them in summary or detail. The Selection type also indicates the column assignments, if columns are used to print different companies, divisions, departments, or budget revisions. The Columns type specifies what type of information prints in each column. The Account type specifies which account or budget records are selected to print.

The Horizontal Format and Horizontal Account design types are specially used only for horizontal statements. They are used in place of Selection records and Account types, respectively. You can mix vertical and horizontal records on one statement, but only if the statement is segmented into vertical and horizontal sections. You can use Computation, Columns, Page, Totals, and Heading design types identically in both types of statements.