Vendor Inquiry - Transactions overview

Vendor > Inquiry > Vendor

Use this page to view transaction history for a specific vendor. The transaction history displays the most current history first.

You can display all transactions, or you can conduct a search to limit the transactions that are displayed.

Vendor history is created from and updated by Vendor Invoice Center Entry.

These views are available from the Transactions Detail page:

  • Detail

    The Detail view shows the detail of the selected transaction, including dates, amounts, and discounts.

  • GL Distribution Details

    The GL Distribution Detail views show the GL accounts that were updated by the transaction. You can drill down on each account to see details and extended information.

  • PO Costing Details

    The PO Costing Details view displays a list of purchase orders placed for a specific vendor or product through a specific order date.

  • Manual Address Details

    If a manual address was entered for the transaction, it is displayed on the Manual Address Details view.

  • Revaluations

    Select the Revaluations view to see information for any revaluations performed on a transaction by the GL Asset and Liability Revaluation Report.