Entering a direct order return

If you use Direct Order Return feature, use these instructions to create a return merchandise order for direct order products that the customer returned to the vendor. When you created a direct order return, each line item on the order must be returned to the vendor. You cannot return some products to the vendor and other products to the warehouse.

  1. Select Sales > Entry > Order.
  2. Specify this information, and then click Next:

    Specify the customer on the original direct sales order.


    Specify the warehouse on the original direct sales order.

    Order Type

    Select Return Merchandise.

  3. Specify this header-level return information, and then click Next:
    Return Adjust Reason

    Select a return adjust reason that is set up as a vendor return type in SA Table Code Value Setup.

    Direct Order

    Select this option to indicate that the order is a direct order return. Return - Direct is then displayed in the Order Type field in the Header Information section.

  4. Specify the header-level sourcing information for the vendor that the customer returned the product to, and then click Submit.

    Purchase Order is selected in the Product Source field. You cannot change this value.

    The information that you specify at the header level is the default information at the line level.

  5. Specify the product and quantity to return, and then click Add.
  6. Specify return information for the line, and then click Submit.

    If you change the return reason, select a reason that is set up as a vendor return type.

    Tie to Purchase Order and Direct Order are selected by default and are required. If you clear the Tie to Purchase Order option, then an error occurs when you click Submit.

  7. Confirm the sourcing information that was initially specified at the head level, and then click Submit.
  8. Click Submit on the Returns page again to add the line to the order.

    A tied purchase order is created automatically.

  9. Finish the order.