Specifying pick label settings for a customer

To print the barcode for a customer product number on a pick label, you must create a label file. The label file is based on the settings in Customer Setup or Customer ShipTo Setup, and SA Printer Setup. The name of the label file is pick label size + pick label prefix + label file name for the printer. For example, if the pick label size is large, the prefix is 4px, and the printer label file name is pickzeb.lbl, then the name of the label file is large4pxpickzeb.lbl.

  1. Select Customer > Setup > Customer.
  2. Open the customer record, and then click Edit.
  3. In the Settings section of the General view, select a pick label size.

    This setting corresponds to the label setting in SA Printer Setup, and determines the printer where the pick label prints.

  4. Specify a Pick Label Prefix.
  5. Click Save.