Issuing and activating a gift card

If your company sells gift cards, they are entered as an addon type in Sales Order Entry.

Note: The CenPOS GIFT ACTIVATE option referenced in these instructions can also be accessed in Sales Order Entry on the initial Maintain page.
  1. Complete the prerequisites for implementing gift card processing.
  2. Select Sales > Entry > Order.
  3. Specify the information on the Initiate window. Select Stock Order or Counter Sale as the Order Type.
    If you are entering a Stock Order, you must be authorized to activate gift cards. The Allow Activation of Gift Card option must be selected in SA Operator Setup-Entry Options.
  4. Click Next.
  5. Skip the Select Products window and advance to the Taxes and Totals window.
  6. Click ADDONS in the toolbar.
  7. In the grid, expand an Addon record.
  8. Select the gift card addon record in the Description field.
  9. If the gift card addon was set up as a fixed amount in SA Order Entry Addon Setup, that amount is displayed in the Amount field. Otherwise, specify the amount of the gift card. The Addon Type is defaulted as Amount and cannot be changed.
  10. Click OK.
  11. If you are entering a Counter Sale order, you are required to tender the sale in full prior to activating the card at the conclusion of the order. This prevents the customer from leaving with an unactivated gift card. Click the back arrow to return to the Taxes & Totals view.
  12. Click Collect Payment.
  13. Select the Payment Type and specify the full amount owed.
  14. After tendering, click Finish to complete the order.
  15. If you are entering a Stock Order, you are not automatically taken to the OE Gift Cards window. Gift card activation is not required for Stock Order entry. Delaying activation may be preferable if you are shipping the gift card to your customer and expect it to be activated after they receive it.
    To activate a gift card on a Stock Order, after entering the order, select CenPOS Gift Activate from the More (...) menu on the Sales Order Entry-Maintain window.
    If you are entering a Counter Sale order, the OE Gift Cards window is automatically displayed.
  16. Select the gift card from the OE Gift Cards grid and then click CENPOS GIFT ACTIVATE.
    Gift cards ready to be activated are noted with a Status Type of Issued.
  17. When the CenPOS Gift Activate window is displayed, swipe the gift card or specify the card number.
  18. Click Submit.
  19. A receipt is displayed showing the card activation details. Click Print to print a copy for the customer, if desired.
  20. Click Done.
After a gift card is activated by CenPOS, it cannot be deactivated or expired. You cannot cancel an order for a gift card if it has been activated. Also, an activated gift card addon transaction cannot be modified or deleted from a sales order in maintain mode.