Releasing a Manufacturer Rep order from hold

Manufacturer Rep orders are automatically placed on hold after they are created in Sales Order Entry. This prevents them from being invoice processed. When you receive your commission payment from the manufacturer, you can release the order in Sales Credit Release Inquiry or Sales Order Entry-Maintain.

You can also release and ship the order at the same time in Sales Shipping Feedback Entry. See Releasing and shipping a Manufacturer Rep order.

These instructions describe how to release the order in Sales Credit Release Inquiry.

  1. Select Sales > Inquiry > Credit Release.
  2. In the Search panel, search for the Manufacturer Rep order.
    1. Specify the ordering customer in the Customer # field, or
    2. Select Manufacturer Rep Order from the Type field.
    3. Click Search.
  3. Select the order in the grid and click Actions > Approve.
  4. Optionally, if your company uses operational hold codes:
    1. Drill down on the order in the grid.
    2. In the Shipping Information section, click the Inquiry arrow next to the Approve field.
    3. This displays the Sales Order Entry-Approval window. Select the hold code defined for Manufacturer Rep orders and click Release.
    4. Return to the Credit Release Detail window and click Update in the Shipping Information section.
  5. Click Search again to refresh the grid. The approved order is no longer listed in the grid unless you are using operational hold codes and it is on hold for another reason.