SA Administrator ION Delete Processed I/O Records Report ranges and options


This report does not have ranges.


I)nbox, O)utbox, or B)oth?

Specify I to delete records that were created for inbound BODs.

Specify O to delete records that were created for outbound BODs.

Specify B to delete records that were created for inbound and outbound BODs.

Last Processed Date to Delete

When BODs are processed, records are added to the IOBox database table and assigned a processed date. Specify the last date by which records selected to be deleted should be purged. All processed records up to that date are deleted. The current date defaults.

Delete Unprocessed Records?

Select Yes to delete records marked as unprocessed. These records are in a pending status. They are in the outbox waiting for final transmission to ION, or are in the inbox waiting to be processed in Distribution SX.e.

Note:  Do not run this report to delete unprocessed records as a normal part of your purging routine. Select Yes only when you implement an ION integration and invalid records are created as part of the startup process.