Creating a horizontal balance sheet

To create a horizontal statement, you substitute the Horizontal Format record for the Selection record and the Horizontal Account record for Account records. You must use these record types when not all of the columns on a single print line originate from the same account code.

  1. Select General Ledger > Setup > Financial Statement.
  2. Click New.
  3. Specify this information:
    Design Name
    Specify the name of the statement.
    Select New Horizontal.
    Statement Type
    Select Balance.
    Specify a description.
  4. Click Save.
  5. Record types are defaulted from the Infor template in the Financial Statements Setup grid. Review all records on all pages and delete any rows that are not required for your balance sheet.
  6. Drill down on the Horizontal Format type. It should be the first row in the grid.
  7. In the Companies section, click List and specify the companies in each column as you want them to print on the report.
  8. Select the Detail Type, either Summary or Detail.
  9. Indicate whether to print company information in the Horizontal or Vertical layout.
  10. Scroll to the Divisions section. All divisions for the selected company are displayed. Specify 0 for any divisions to exclude from the balance sheet.
  11. In the Departments section, select whether to include all departments, a range of department, or a list. If you select Range or List, specify the departments to include.
  12. Optionally, in the Budgets section, specify any budget accounts to include.
  13. Optionally, specify a comment in the General section.
  14. Click Save.
  15. Drill down on the Page type. Make any necessary changes and click Save.
  16. Drill down on the Columns and Heading record types, make your changes, and click Save.
  17. Drill down on the Horizontal Acct type.
  18. Select a column in the grid, and click Edit to specify a beginning and ending account and sub-account range. Click OK.
    Leave the beginning and ending account fields blank for the columns that should not contain an account. You can use up to 15 columns.
  19. Repeat for each column for your balance sheet.
  20. Specify a title for the account ranges.
  21. Specify the information in the Printing & Zero Balances and Totaling sections.
  22. In the Storage Areas, select any storage locations to include on the balance sheet.
    Note: Before you can select a storage area, it must be created as a Computational record type. Storage areas contain information that is not directly available from the system, such as a calculated ratio or total number of employees. Storage locations are not included in total levels, even if a printed storage location is substituted for an account record.
  23. Drill down on the Totals record(s) to make any necessary changes. Click Save.
  24. To create the liability side of the balance sheet, repeat steps 15-23 to define headings, accounts, and totals.
  25. Run GL Financial Statement Report to verify the information is correct. Modify the balance sheet in GL Financial Statement Setup as required.