Adjusting sales taxes on an order

Sales tax information on a sales order is derived from the Customer Setup or Customer Ship To Setup record. You can change the sales tax information on a new or existing order. Changing tax information in Sales Order Entry changes tax information for the current order only. The customer’s tax records are not changed. Use these instructions to change the sales tax-related information on an existing order.

  1. Select Sales > Entry > Order.
  2. Click Maintain, and then specify the order number.
  3. Click Next.
  4. Click Taxes & Totals.
  5. Select or clear the Taxable option.

    If you clear the option, specify the reason. If you select the option, specify the taxing state and other taxing jurisdiction.

  6. Optionally, override tax amounts in the Tax Detail section.
    1. Drill down on a tax type in the grid to edit it
      Note: If you make modifications in the Jurisdiction section, the Tax Override option is automatically selected. Tax information entered in the Tax Detail section overrides the information in the Taxes - Sales Use Tax (SUT) section when the order is saved. The Tax Override option should only be selected when all other changes have been made because selecting this option freezes the records in the taxing table.

      To prevent an operator from using the tax override, set the Allow Sales Tax Rate Overrides option in SA Operator Setup-Entry Options-Entry Overrides to No.

    2. Click Save.
  7. Complete the order.