Invoice milestone billing supported

Invoice milestone billing is now supported with the integration to Service Management. Invoice milestone billing is scheduled billing activity against a Project Fixed operation on a service order in Service Management. When a milestone is invoiced in Service Management, a matching General Ledger posting is made in Distribution SX.e. The GL posting equals the value of the milestone, not the value of the operation, ensuring General Ledger is synchronized with the Service Management invoice.

When Service Management generates a ServiceOrder BOD to create a sales order in Distribution SX.e, line items are created for each Project Fixed operation and its corresponding transactions. The ServiceOrder BOD indicates whether invoice milestone billing was applied to an operation with a new InvoiceMilestone property. The value of the property is true when Use Invoice Milestones is selected on the Service Order Operations form in Service Management.

The line items for an operation and its related transactions are adjusted on sales orders to accommodate milestone billing. The value of the operation is displayed in the Net Amount field for the operation line item. The quantity shipped for the operation line item is 0 to prevent the line from being invoiced for the entire value. Additionally, the value of each related transaction is 0.

For an operation line item, the value of the operation is displayed as the net amount but the shipped quantity is set to 0.

When a milestone is reached, it is invoiced in Service Management. An Invoice BOD is generated that indicates whether the billed amount is associated with a milestone with a new InvoiceMilestone property. The value of the property is true when Use Invoice Milestones is selected on the Service Order Operations form and an invoice milestone was billed.

When the Invoice BOD is consumed by Distribution SX.e, a line item is added to the sales order for the milestone amount. The quantity ordered on the new line equals the quantity shipped, and the net amount equals the amount of the milestone invoice. The order is shipped and invoiced for the milestone amount. After the order is invoiced processed, these events occur:

  • The amount of the milestone invoice is posted to the General Ledger.
  • A backorder is created with the operation and transactions lines from the original order, including the amounts. The backorder is in Stage 1-Ordered.

When the next milestone is reached and invoiced, a new line for the milestone amount is added to the backorder. The backorder is shipped and invoiced, and the amount of the milestone invoice is posted to the General Ledger. Another backorder is created with the operation and transactions lines from the original order. The process repeats each time a milestone is reached and invoiced.

After the final milestone is invoiced and the operation is set to complete in Service Management, a ServiceOrder BOD is generated. Because invoice milestone billing was used for the operation, none of the remaining lines on the backorder that are related to the operation can affect the General Ledger. These updates are made to the backorder:

  • The Net Amount for the operation line is changed to 0.
  • The quantity shipped for the operation line is changed to 1.

If the operation is the last operation on the order, the order can be shipped and then invoiced with no amount due and no impact to the General Ledger. Alternatively, you can close the service order to cancel to sales order in Distribution SX.e when you invoice the final milestone for the last operation on the order. The lines are sent to lost business and no further processing is required. If another open operation is included on the backorder, another backorder is created and the invoice milestone process continues.

Note: Time and Material operations that are included on service orders are not eligible for invoice milestone billing. Transactions that are related to Time and Material operations are subject to standard invoice processing.

Feature activation

To use invoice milestone billing, Service Management must be activated in SA Administrator Options-Integrations-Service Management.

See the Infor Distribution SX.e Integration Guide for Infor CloudSuite Field Service.