Order origin code for counter sales updates sales order

The default order origin code for counter sales now updates a Counter Sales (CS) order when these conditions are met:

  • An origin code is set up for a Counter Sale in SA Table Code Value Setup. Counter Sale must be selected in the Background Function field on the origin code record.
  • You did not manually specify an origin code on the Sales Order Entry-Initiate page when you first created the CS order.

If you do not set up an origin code for a Counter Sale, the default order origin code that is specified in the SA Administrator Setup-Documents-Sales Orders-Entry Settings is used for CS orders.

Note: You must add the Origin Code field to the Sales Order Entry-Initiate page using Personalization. The default origin code for a CS order does not automatically display in the Origin Code field on the Initiate page. The code is applied to the order later in the workflow, after you leave the Initiate page.