Improved visibility of table load errors in tenant data import logs

To improve the visibility of table load errors, these improvements were made to the SA Tenant Refresh - Data Import Report:

  • In the load-thread-x.log file, the table load errors are displayed after the table load information. Each table is listed separately and now includes up to 30k of the error file. For example:
    Table Load ERROR: arsc:
    >> ERROR READING LINE #59107 (Offset=85482646): ** Input value: test should be yes/no. (87)
    >> ERROR! Trailer indicated 59107 records, but 59106 records were loaded.
  • The table load errors in the load-thread-x.log file are included in the load-broker-out.log file. The information is displayed after the IFS user information.
  • The table load error information is sent to the email recipient that receives the report logs for the import process. The subject line of the email is Import_Table_Load_ERRORS. If table load errors did not occur, then the attachment will show 'none'.