BOR product vendor returns support serial and lot processing

You can now return Bill on Receipt (BOR) products with serial or lot control numbers to vendors, using these existing workflows:

  • Return issued product to the vendor

    When a customer returns an issued BOR product, you create a sales order return (OE RM) with a tied purchase order return (PO RM). The serial/lot control number is selected on the OE RM, and the returned quantity is automatically moved from the Customer On Hand balance to the Distributor Unavailable balance when the OE RM is invoiced. During PO RM receipt, the serial/lot control number from the OE RM is selected again, and the receipt quantity is removed from the Distributor Unavailable balance.

  • Return an inventory product to the vendor

    This type of return is not initiated by a customer return. You might return inventory products from a Storeroom warehouse because you received incorrect or damaged products.

    When you create the PO RM, a tied OE RM is automatically created. The control number is not included on either of the documents. After the OE RM is invoiced, inventory is automatically moved from the Customer balance to the Distributor Unavailable balance. In Storeroom, you must then manually move the BOR product to unavailable inventory. Specify the control number during the inventory movement. During PO RM receipt, specify the control number from the inventory movement. When the PO RM is received, inventory is removed from Distributor Unavailable balance.

View product balances and availability on these tabs in the Storeroom Product Inquiry function:

  • Product Detail
  • Whse Availability
  • Lots or Serials

In Distribution SX.e, you can view product balances in Product Warehouse Product Setup. Information about product availability is also shown in these functions:

  • Product Unavailable Inventory Entry
  • Product Extended Serial Number Setup or Product Extended Lot Number Setup

    When a serial-controlled product is returned to the vendor, the status of the product in Product Extended Serial Number Setup is Retired.