Adjusted Operator Time added to SA Journal Setup

Two fields are added to SA Journal Setup to display the time a journal was assigned and closed in the time zone of the user viewing the journal record.

The new Adjusted Operator Time fields for the Assigned journal time and the Closed journal time display the Assigned and Closed times adjusted for the user's time zone. For example, if the journal is created at 8:30 AM Eastern Standard Time, and the operator viewing the journal record in SA Journal Setup is in the Mountain Standard Time region, the Adjusted Operator Time for the Assigned time is 6:30 AM.

The Assigned and Closed times are no longer converted to the viewing user's timezone. They are the actual times recorded for the journal record when it was saved, and are based on the time zone of the operator who saved the journal.

Note: We recommend you do not change the Assigned and Closed dates and times. However, if a change is required, you should honor the same time zone in which the original times were posted.