Adding host name records

Portal host names must exist in DNS before they can be added in IPF or used for creating portals. Follow these steps to add your host names in IPF.

For a test or development portal, you can skip this task.

  1. In the Farm Manager, select Farm Configuration > Host Names.
  2. Click New.
  3. Specify this information:
    Specify the name of the host entry in DNS.
    Specify the farm to which this host name should be attached. Each host name can be attached to only one farm.
  4. Click Edit.
  5. Specify this information:
    Digital Certificate for HTTPS
    For secure sites, specify the digital certificate to use for this host name. Each host name can have only one digital certificate assigned.
    Uses Rewrite
    If a rewrite ID host name has been specified for this farm's load balancer, this option is selected by default. You can clear the check box if necessary for the host name. See the "On-premises server farm with reverse proxy" section in Farm configuration.
    Uses SSL Offloading
    If you use a reverse proxy with SSL offloading, select this check box. This tells IPF that when there is a portal configured to use HTTPS ports, the incoming traffic will actually use HTTP ports.

    Also, configure the SSL offloading tool to add the following header when an offloaded request is forwarded on to HTTP (port 80): X-Forwarded-Proto: https.

    User Login Timeout Settings
    Specify the login timeout settings for the portal. These are your options:
    • Expire when browser is closed: The user login is expired when the browser is closed. The user must log in again to use the portal.
    • Expire after timeout interval in minutes: The user login is expired after the specified number of minutes. If you specify a timeout interval, you can also select to reset the expiration timeout when the user performs any actions in the browser within the timeout interval. If you do not select to reset the expiration timeout, then the user login is expired after the timeout interval, regardless of their browser activity.
    • Expire all user logins created before: This option allows you to select a date for expiring all existing user logins.
    • Update: At any time, you can click the update icon, which causes all logins to expire immediately.
  6. Click Save.