Adding servers
This task can apply to any environment when you need to add servers. This installs the IPF Control Service on the added server. For a test or development portal, you can skip this task.
- In the Farm Manager, select .
- Click .
- Specify a name for the server.
- Optionally, you can specify a farm to which to assign the server. If you do not assign it now, you can do so later.
- Click .
- If you use a control DB user account for IPF Control Database access, you are prompted for Windows administrator credentials for accessing the new server. This login can be a local machine account from the machine being added and does not have to be a domain account. If it is a domain account, use this format: <domain>\<username>. The new server is added to the tree in the left pane. The beginning server status is Idle.
- If you selected a farm and it is assigned to an unsupported load balancer, you must manually add the server to the load balancer. When that is finished, select , select the DeployServerToLoadBalancer job, and click .