Launching the Portal Manager

After creating a portal, you must use the Portal Manager to activate default portal content and complete the configuration of the portal.

  1. In the Farm Manager, select Farm Configuration > Portals.
  2. Select the portal to access.
  3. Click Launch Portal Manager.
  4. Sign in using the portal administrator user credentials. The Portal Manager application is launched and connected to the specified portal. Any work you do in this Portal Manager applies to only the specified portal. The portal URL is added to the Launcher in the system tray for accessing the Portal Manager as needed.
You can also launch the Portal Manager from a browser window. Specify http://<host name>/ipf/pm or, if you use a non-standard port, http://<host name>:<port>/ipf/pm. Include the portal site if applicable; for example, http://<host name>/<portal site>/ipf/pm or http://<host name>:<port>/<portal site>/ipf/pm.
Note: If you encounter an error message stating that certificate verification has failed for the IPF.LauncherServer.exe, you may need to open HTTP traffic on the machine where the Portal Manager needs to be launched from, or at least open HTTP traffic to the required certificate validation website. Contact your Infor Support Consultant for more information.