Launching the Farm Manager

This topic describes how to connect to the Farm Manager.

  1. If you clicked the link in the "Action completed successfully" message after installing the IPF Control Service, then the process for launching the Farm Manager is started automatically. If you did not click that link, use the desktop shortcut or open a browser window and specify http://<IPF Control Service server name>:14242/ipf/fm.
  2. On first use, you are prompted to specify the user name and password for the database access user account. On subsequent uses, if more than one user is set up for farm administration, a login method is requested first and then the login credentials. However, in these cases, login credentials are not requested:
    • The database access user account is a Windows user and the user is logged in on the machine from which the Farm Manager is launched.
    • The database access user account is a Windows user, and the user has already authenticated in the browser using the Windows account. Or, the only assigned farm administrator is a control DB user account, and the user has already authenticated in the browser.
  3. On first use, the IPF Launcher must be downloaded and installed. In the Launcher Status window, click the link to start the download, and then run the IPF Launcher Installer.exe file.
  4. Continue with the instructions in the Launcher Status window. The Launcher downloads and opens the Farm Manager. An Infor Launcher icon is added in the system tray for accessing the Farm Manager as needed.
Note: If you encounter an error message stating that certificate verification has failed for the IPF.LauncherServer.exe, you may need to open HTTP traffic on the machine where the Farm Manager needs to be launched from, or at least open HTTP traffic to the required certificate validation website. Contact your Infor Support Consultant for more information.