Running the IPF Installer

The IPF Installer creates the IPF Control Database in Microsoft SQL Server and installs the IPF Control Service on a single machine.

Note: In a multi-server environment, the IPF Control Service is automatically added to servers as you add them to the farm configuration.
  1. Run the IPF.Installer.exe file from the architecture ISO. If you are installing the IPF Control Service on the same machine where you are running the Installer, you must right-click and run as administrator. Otherwise, do not run as administrator.
  2. Select Create IPF Control Database. This option creates the database in SQL Server, applies IPF-specific schema, and grants permissions to the database access user account.
  3. On the right side of the form, perform one of these tasks:
    • To use a control DB user for the database access account, specify this information:
      User Type
      Specify Control DB User.
      DB User
      Specify an existing MSSQL user name or a new user name.
      DB Password
      If this is an existing MSSQL user, specify the existing password. If this is a new user, specify a new password. Passwords are limited to 30 characters.
      (IPF Control Database) Server Name
      Specify an accessible server running Microsoft SQL Server.
      Database Name
      Specify a unique name for the new database or accept the default name of IPFControl.
      Authentication Type
      Specify the authentication to be used for accessing the SQL database server. This must be an existing user with permissions to create a database, add a user, and grant permissions.

      If you select SQL Server Authentication, you must also specify the user ID and password. It may be the same user that was specified for the access account, if that is an existing user with the required permissions.

    • To use a Windows user for the database access account, specify this information:
      User Type
      Specify Windows User.
      Windows User
      Specify an existing Windows user ID. Domain account format: <domain>\<username>. The password is not needed at this time, because the user is not logged in when creating the database.
      (IPF Control Database) Server Name
      Specify an accessible server running Microsoft SQL Server.
      Database Name
      Specify a unique name for the new database or accept the default name of IPFControl.
      Authentication Type
      Specify the authentication to be used for accessing the SQL database server. This must be an existing user with permissions to create a database, add a user, and grant permissions.

      If you select SQL Server Authentication, you must also specify the user ID and password.

  4. Click Create.
    If you chose to create a new control DB user, you are prompted to confirm the user’s password. After the database is created, you are prompted to perform the IPF Control Service installation.
  5. Select Install IPF Control Service. This option installs and starts the IPF Control Service, connects to the service, and installs the IPF architecture.
  6. During this initial installation, after creating the IPF Control Database, most fields are specified by default and should not be changed. Specify additional information based on one of these options:
    • For a control DB user, specify the IIS server for the IPF Control Service. For a single-server test or development environment, this can be the same as the database server.
    • For a Windows user, specify this information:
      Specify the database access user account password. The password is needed now because the service logs in to and runs under this account.
      (IPF Control Service) Server Name
      Specify an IIS server for the IPF Control Service. For a single-server test or development environment, this can be the same as the database server.
  7. Click Install.
When the process is complete, you can begin farm configuration.

See Launching the Farm Manager.